Dell'arte della felicità
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Tutti aspiriamo a essere felici. Ma come possiamo raggiungere la felicità? Christophe André in questo libro risponde in due modi: come psicoterapeuta e psichiatra e come appassionato d’arte.
André ha costruito per i lettori un museo immaginario dove ha selezionato alcuni quadri che permettono di comprendere i meccanismi della felicità e di provare, leggendo e guardando le immagini, questa potente emozione umana in tutti i suoi aspetti: la sua natura inafferrabile, la nascita, la pienezza, il crepuscolo, l’assenza, il ritorno…
Con i dipinti di Monet, Klimt, Van Gogh, Veronese, Chagall e tanti altri pittori e con le parole di Spinoza, Marco Aurelio, Confucio, Valéry, Camus, Gide e molti altri scrittori ancora, Christophe André ci ha regalato uno strumento bellissimo per dare forma e voce alla nostra più legittima aspirazione.
- ISBN: 8867004891
- Casa Editrice: Corbaccio
- Pagine: 192
- Data di uscita: 25-10-2018
In this book, Christophe André, an experienced psychiatrist, analyses psychological themes related to the human condition and well-being by exploring several renowned artworks. The author takes us on a journey through the hours of the day, metaphors for the stages we find ourselves in while in pursu Leggi tutto
The author chooses 25 famous paintings that he analyzes through the lens of their message regarding the pursuit of happiness. Happiness is the central idea of the book, and it is approached through a beautiful association of thoughts and emotions (inspired to the author by the paintings), references Leggi tutto
When I found this book, i was so excited about its idea: to put together art and happiness :) When I was reading it I felt like I was standing in front of each of the masterpieces, together with the author and we are casually discussing about how they encompass happiness. A nice experience. My very
В русском варианте название книги "Искусство счастья. Тайна счастья в шедеврах великих художников". И д е а л ь н а я к н и г а... В книге собрано путешествие к счастью через шедевры, которые известны каждому. Сочетание ненавязчивой истории искусства с психологией просто идеальное, а для меня просто Leggi tutto
This is not a book that I would ordinarily read. The structure and writing, however, are excellent. I especially love the fact that the author is an expert in the field. Art is used to further drive the points home. This is a great choice for individuals struggling to find their happy place in life. Leggi tutto
A lire dans 2 heures et tirer un maximum d'éléments importants dans la quête du bonheur. Christophe André egal a lui-même en utilisant un langage simple qui retient le lecteur. Je recommande vivement ce livre
Very interesting premise - taking paintings as an inspiration to find happiness within and outside of them. Loved the lessons from each painting. Very easy, relaxing read which I was able to finish in one sitting. If you’re feeling blue and love art, this book is for you.
une perspective très intéressante sur l'art et la façon dont certaines œuvres nous affectent, du moment que l'on garde à l'esprit que l'art est par définition subjectif, et que deux personnes regardant la même œuvre ne ressentiront pas la même chose !
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