Il segreto dei maghi
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Sonea ignora se i sospetti del Sommo Lord Akkarin in merito alla minaccia che incombe sulla Corporazione siano fondati.
Anzi, dopo averlo visto uccidere un uomo facendo ricorso alla proibitissima magia nera, la ragazza teme che lui le abbia mentito, con l'unico scopo di giustificare il suo assassinio. Poi il Sommo Lord le mostra un antico tomo, in cui viene spiegato il motivo per cui la magia nera è stata bandita: molto tempo addietro, infatti, uno dei novizi l'aveva usata contro gli altri maghi della Corporazione, con risultati drammatici. Sonea è confusa: non capisce se Lord Akkarin la renda partecipe di tali segreti perché è davvero preoccupato per il destino della regione di Kyralia o perché vuole servirsi di lei per i suoi oscuri piani. Ma quando uno schiavo della vicina Sachaka confessa a Sonea di essere una spia incaricata di scoprire i punti deboli della Corporazione, le cose cambiano? Trudi Canavan è nata a Melbourne, in Australia, dove vive tuttora. La sua trilogia, iniziata con La corporazione dei maghi (Nord, 2007) e proseguita con La scuola dei maghi (Nord, 2008), è pubblicata con grande successo in tutto il mondo.
- ISBN: 8842915858
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 542
- Data di uscita: 19-03-2009
I was so very, very disapointed with this ending, it was geniunely abismal, and I loved the second book, I though it was down to earth and just about right. This, this piece of poorly plotted abomination ruined it, it's almost as if when she was writing it Canavan just thought; "Actually, do you kno Leggi tutto
This last book in the trilogy is the best by far. I really enjoyed it. I'd recommend reading the trilogy together and in order, which is probably something normal people would do anyway. I think while each one has a complete story arc, they form a much more complex and satisfying whole all together. Leggi tutto
This is going to be a looooooooong review. First, I must say that had I read this trilogy as a teenager, I’d probably have loved it. However, being a literature scholar and well, slightly older, I can’t overlook its flaws, and I am infuriated by the fact that most of them to me, are due to a poor ed Leggi tutto
I now have a YouTube channel that I run with my brother, called 'The Brothers Gwynne'. Check it out - The Brothers Gwynne “He had given her too much. He had given her everything.” The High Lord starts one year after the ending of the previous book in the series, so the immediate results of those e Leggi tutto
I enjoyed these books up until the end which ruined the whole thing for me.
Actual Rating 4.5 I just could not stop read this one until it was finished. I was like this from start to finish: So much has happen and I can't even write anything remotely coherent. I ned time to process this then I'll come back and try to give a proper review.
It wasn't that complicated a plot, or that original a premise -- to be honest, much of the setting reminded me of Raymond E. Feist's Krondor mixed with his magicians on Kelewan. Regardless, I enjoyed reading the books and read them very quickly: one a day, just about. They're light, easy reads, in m Leggi tutto
*MAJOR SPOILERS!!* I'm writing this review without reading the ones below. I just finished reading the book, so you might realize I'm still affected by a lot of what just happened. It took a day to read each book, and every day I was more and more interested on the fates of Sonea, Rothen, Dannyl, Cer Leggi tutto
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