La corporazione dei maghi
Tutti i formati dell'opera
A Imardin è il giorno dell'Epurazione, l'appuntamento annuale durante il quale, su ordine del re, la Corporazione dei maghi scaccia dalla città vagabondi, mendicanti e tutti coloro che sono sospettati di procurarsi da vivere in modo criminoso. E, come ogni anno, gli abitanti dei quartieri poveri si radunano nella piazza del Nord per protestare contro l'iniquo provvedimento, lanciando sassi contro i maghi, i quali, però, essendo protetti da una barriera magica, ignorano altezzosamente la rivolta. Ma, ad un tratto, una pietra manda in frantumi la protezione e ferisce un mago. L'autrice dell'incredibile gesto è Sonea, una giovane orfana che fugge spaventata. Ma la Corporazione non può permettere che qualcuno dotato di un simile potere sfugga al suo controllo...
- ISBN: 8842914894
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 402
- Data di uscita: 26-04-2007
This is in no way a romance (there is a TINY romance thread). So why am I even mentioning romance? Well. The mechanics of many romances are to bring two people together and have them misunderstand and mistrust each other despite it being obvious to the reader that they belong together. The heart of th Leggi tutto
3,5 dobra zabawa!
I was going to put this up on my "currently reading" shelf, but it didn't take me long enough to finish it. Or, perhaps, I read more than I check this website. Either way, this book I just finished half an hour ago is a cute little start to what seems to be a simple and inoffensive fantasy trilogy se Leggi tutto
A protagonist that is super special, and a world apparently divided into slums and powerful rich magic people? I like my fantasy in shades of grey, not black and white, and I'm sick of protagonists that are born more special than other people, rather than character development and hard work making t Leggi tutto
This review was written by Manon for RantingDragon.com The redundant beginning Sonea is a dwell that lives in the slums. Everyone in the slums hates the Magicians that live safely, luxuriously and arrogantly up in their Magician’s Guild. Only those of the Houses can become Magicians, and those in the Leggi tutto
“If this young woman is a natural, we should expect her to be more powerful than our average novice, possibly even more powerful than the average magician.” This one started off a bit slow and dragged on a bit but for some strange reason I kept on reading as I felt that it would eventually pay off. T Leggi tutto
“It is said, in Imardin, that the wind has a soul, and that it wails through the narrow streets because it is grieved by what it finds there.” I picked this up with every intention of reading this the same as with every book I pick up. The synopsis piqued my interest and I'm ready to cut my arm f Leggi tutto
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