La scuola dei maghi
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Sonea ha finalmente accettato di entrare nella Corporazione dei Maghi, iniziando così il suo percorso di studi. Ma la strada davanti a lei è irta di pericoli, a cominciare dal fatto che numerosi Maghi disprezzano le sue umili origini e la giudicano indegna di quel privilegio. Il più spietato è Regin, un novizio che sembra avere come unico scopo quello d'istigare i compagni e gli insegnanti contro la ragazza, umiliandola ripetutamente e arrivando persino ad accusarla di essere una ladra. L'unica speranza per lei è rappresentata da Lord Dorrien, sensibile e intelligente figlio del potente Lord Rothen: il ragazzo, giunto alla scuola per far visita al padre, prende subito le parti di Sonea e si spinge addirittura a rivelarle alcuni segreti che la rendono più potente del perfido Regin. In tal modo, però, Sonea scopre pure che il Lord Supremo, Akkarin, fa uso della proibitissima Magia Nera, riuscendo a trarre forza da qualsiasi essere vivente, uomo o animale, e questo rischia di costarle la vita...
- ISBN: 8842915335
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 498
- Data di uscita: 10-04-2008
I now have a YouTube channel that I run with my brother, called 'The Brothers Gwynne'. Check it out - The Brothers Gwynne “There's always a bit of truth in each rumour, the trouble is finding out which bit." The Novice is the second book in the Black Magician Trilogy and it continued to be enjoy
How PATHETIC did Sonea turn out to be in this book? Again, the author drags part of the story, aka where Sonea gets bullied by some of the rich, spoilt novices, out for pretty much 2/3 of the book, needlessly I may add. I only gave this two stars because throughout the whole book, whilst the style of Leggi tutto
This read was okay. I'm literally on a fence as to what I'm actually feeling about it. I like the characters in the book but found that the author drag out the storyline unnecessarily. I found myself getting bored frequently and that is a big No No when I read a book. The heroine in this read also p Leggi tutto
I don’t have any concrete proof for this, but I think that my “your-frontal-lobe-isn’t-fully-developed-yet-sweetie” 14/15-year-old-self rating this book 4 stars is the reason I now work in a mental institution. They say never meet your heroes reread your childhood favourites, they were your CHILDHOOD Leggi tutto
After reading this book, I'm really starting to love the series. The first book didn't really get interesting until Sonea got to the Guild. With this book, though, it remained interesting from beginning to end. I can relate to Sonea's goal to be a Healer. And I really approved of Trudi Canavan's vie Leggi tutto
This second book in the Black Magician trilogy had it's moments, but also sometimes dragged on. Our heroine Sonea enters University as an abject outsider, pretty much vilified by the other novices, particularly by Ragin, a rather nasty entitled novice who has it out for Sonea. The constant bullying b Leggi tutto
Think of this book as what a Harry Potter novel would look like if it was only about Harry vs. Draco struggle. Except here it's Sonea vs Entire School all-out war with the protagonist being 1) a total victim, 2) accepting everything they throw at her, 3) not fighting back, 4) barely protecting herse Leggi tutto
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