Una fanciulla... Prescelta dalla nascita per dare vita a una nuova era, Poppy non è mai stata padrona della propria vita. La sua è un'esistenza solitaria in cui le è proibito anche essere guardata o toccata. Aspettando il giorno della sua Ascensione, preferirebbe stare con le guardie, a combattere il male che ha preso il sopravvento sulla sua famiglia. Ma non ha mai potuto scegliere. Un dovere... Il futuro dell'intero regno è sulle sue spalle, anche se lei non vorrebbe. Perché anche una fanciulla ha un cuore. E un'anima. E desideri. E quando Hawke, la guardia d'onore che dovrebbe garantirle l'Ascensione, entra nella sua vita, il destino e il dovere si intrecceranno inesorabilmente con il desiderio, alimentando la sua rabbia e facendole mettere in discussione la sua intera esistenza. Un Regno... Abbandonato dagli dei e temuto dai mortali, un nuovo regno sta risorgendo dalle ceneri. Determinato a riprendersi ciò che gli spetta, avanza assetato di vendetta: ma più l'ombra del male si avvicina, più il confine tra ciò che è giusto o sbagliato diventa sottile. E Poppy non rischia solo di essere ritenuta indegna dagli dei, ma di perdere la vita.
- ISBN: 8869059685
- Casa Editrice: HarperCollins Italia
- Pagine: 592
- Data di uscita: 24-03-2022
I present to you: a tale of questionable consent, bAd BoYs with amber eyes, and foreshadowing so terrible I predicted every plot twist. Otherwise known as From Mud and Trash. This book was so bad that I made a whole photo album for the screenshots of “excuse me?” moments. There are 122 photos in tot Leggi tutto
Greetings students. Welcome to Writing 101: How to write the worst novel ever written in 2020 (and still WIN a Goodreads award) . This is my first time teaching this class but rest assured my qualifications include: understanding the proper use of ellipses and knowing ten different names that sound b Leggi tutto
0.5 stars. edit: goodreads, if you shadowban this review (my favorite review ever), i'll hunt you down. thanks. IT'S FINALLY HERE, LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. THE REVIEW THAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. *insert dramatic music from an American comedy show*. I just finished this book, drank 2 cups of coffee and fi Leggi tutto
Edit : Goodreads choice awards- Best Romance- 2020 So well deserved! Five addictive, mesmerizing, heart-rending, sexy, adrenaline-inducing stars right away! Ever had the feeling of numbness, the feeling of having your heart break and then remade, and the feeling of intensity flooding your body cel
3 Kinda Bummed Stars, a couple things before we get started. 1) I'm not in a reviewing mood, but wanted to get something down before I completely forget and then lose all interest. So, I apologize beforehand for the lack of quality I'm sure is about to follow... 2) Don't throw figurative toma Leggi tutto
Holy shit. I almost DNF this at 16%. I was bored. There were info dumps everywhere. The narrator was blah. The plot wasn’t moving. Goodness, even the TIME IN THE BOOK wasn’t moving. Pretty sure at 16% not even 24 hours had passed in this book world. I told myself I would jump ship if this did not im Leggi tutto
living in these crazy times, i was pretty certain nothing could surprise me anymore. but then JLA pulls a beyoncé and just drops this book out of nowhere, as if it were a gift delivered from the book gods themselves. and this story is truly a gift that keeps on giving. there is a strong, fierce hero Leggi tutto
The way I lost ALL MY FUCKING BRAIN CELLS READING THIS BOOK!!! . The fact that this was over 600 pages, the fact that this book has an average rating of (at the time of this review, a 4.36 , that fact that IM— excuse me while I go and vomit all the angst and cringe out of me. ....This book won the Gooo Leggi tutto
This book got WILD lol
600+ pages of no plot, no vibes, a mc with no brain, thinly “veiled” racism, and way too many mentions of honeydew
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