Dimenticate Troia, gli scenari di guerra, i duelli, il sangue, la morte. Dimenticate la violenza e le stragi, la crudeltà e l'orrore. E seguite invece il cammino di due giovani, prima amici, poi amanti e infine anche compagni d'armi - due giovani splendidi per gioventù e bellezza, destinati a concludere la loro vita sulla pianura troiana e a rimanere uniti per sempre con le ceneri mischiate in una sola, preziosissima urna. Madeline Miller, studiosa e docente di antichità classica, rievoca la storia d'amore e di morte di Achille e Patroclo, piegando il ritmo solenne dell'epica alla ricostruzione di una vicenda che ha lasciato scarse ma inconfondibili tracce: un legame tra uomini spogliato da ogni morbosità e restituito alla naturalezza con cui i greci antichi riconobbero e accettarono l'omosessualità. Patroclo muore al posto di Achille, per Achille, e Achille non vuole più vivere senza Patroclo. Sulle mura di Troia si profilano due altissime ombre che oscurano l'ormai usurata vicenda di Elena e Paride.
- Casa Editrice:
- Pagine: 382
- Data di uscita: 10-01-2019
”We were like gods, at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.” This book!!! Gosh I loved this book!!! The moment I read the first page I was already certain of two things: 1.) This would become one of my all-time favourites and I’d gush about it Leggi tutto
”He was a marvel, shaft after shaft flying from him, spears that he wrenched easily from broken bodies on the ground to toss at new targets. Again and again I saw his wrist twist, exposing its pale underside, those flute-like bones thrusting elegantly forward. My spear sagged forgotten to the ground Leggi tutto
1.5 stars. Aw man, where do I start with this one? I know that the big majority of people love this book. They cried and were heartbroken and it was the best thing they ever read and shit, but for me? It was just so boring. The characters were horrendous, if I wanted to read about the most useless, pa Leggi tutto
Madeline Miller did what the movie producers of the film Troy (2004) were too cowardly to do; she stayed true to the homosexuality of Homer’s Iliad rather than writing a censored version of the story which stank of homophobia. Achilles and Patroclus were passionately in love, which resulted in thei Leggi tutto
A new take on the Iliad, written by a high school classics teacher -- how could I not read this? The Song of Achilles retells the story of Greece's greatest hero from the point of view of his best friend Patroclus. The big twist: Madeline Miller casts the story as a romance between Achilles and Pat
***2 stars*** I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I did not like this book. And I must confess that the fault partly lies with me, because I did not read the blurb before I dived in. After having loved Miller's Circe, it was a no-brainer that I'd want to read her take on the Trojan War - so I le Leggi tutto
"Name one hero who was happy . . . You can't . . . I'll tell you a secret . . . I'm going to be the first." Achilles is destined to become the greatest warrior of his generation. But before that, he is just a boy growing up in Phthia with his devoted companion Patroclus by his side. The two are s
"The never-ending ache of love and sorrow." There are a few books I come across everyday while going through my GR feed, and The Song of Achilles is at top of that list. Rightly so, I have to agree, the heart-wrenching ending notwithstanding. Spoiling this book for future readers would be a crime, so Leggi tutto
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