Alice attraverso lo specchio
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Seguito di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, Attraverso lo specchio (1871) ne riprende i personaggi e le ambientazioni fantastiche, pur in una chiave meno trasognata e più malinconica. Nel mondo a rovescio che Alice trova al di là dello specchio di camera sua, sei mesi dopo il suo primo viaggio nel paese delle meraviglie, è valida una sola regola: credere all’impossibile. Le carte da gioco si tramutano qui nei pezzi di una scacchiera; la sequela di imprevisti e trabocchetti in una sfrenata corsa tra filastrocche, poesie, giochi. E mentre Alice si muove sulla scacchiera, di casella in casella, impara a difendersi, a dire la sua, a entrare nel gioco dell’eccentrico e dell’incredibile, a capire e a simpatizzare con gli esseri stravaganti che incontra, allucinati ma ricchi di umanità.
- ISBN: 8811689392
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 192
- Data di uscita: 26-05-2016
*Reread July 2017* Reread for booktube-a-thon 2017! Do I really have to tell you I loved it? I think you should know that by now!
Crazy is as crazy does. Alice plays with her kittens at home when is suddenly intrigued by the reflection of the wall-hung mirror beside her. After carefully examining it she discovers that she can step through it into a new world. This is the story of her fantastic adventures, and her second jour
welcome to...ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN SEPTEMBERLAND, PART 2! i know that seems like a copout, but to be fair, i've always considered this book a continuation of the first one , rather than a separate entity. usually as, well, a copout so i can call both of them my favorite book of all time. anyway! here w Leggi tutto
[Original review, Apr 8 2016] "But are you really pro-life?" asked Alice. "Because you know, I've heard pro-life people talk before, and they sound quite different." "When I use a word," Trumpty Drumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less." Leggi tutto
Alice at the ripe old age of seven and a half is still bored , as she plays with her adorable black and white kittens, yet she needs something better, again ignored by her older sister...wants more stimulation, excitement, yes adventures, so decides to go through a looking -glass and escape the tedi Leggi tutto
Goodreads having eaten my first review of this book, I need to hastily rewrite another. Basically Alice in Wonderland is the superior book, but not by much. Book 2 is proof that Lewis Carroll can make lightning strike twice. In book 2, Alice finds herself through her mirror, and interacts with the ki Leggi tutto
I think that the failure not only of Children's Literature as a whole, but of our very concept of children and the child's mind is that we think it a crime to challenge and confront that mind. Children are first protected from their culture--kept remote and safe--and then they are thrust incongruous Leggi tutto
If you love children's stories, you will love Through the Looking Glass. If you love magic, you will love Through the Looking Glass. If you love words, you will love Through the Looking Glass. I love Through the Looking Glass.
Finished Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and plunged Through the Looking Glass. At first, while it was enjoyable, not much seemed new about Alice’s continued adventures. However, Carroll’s inventive, evocative and fun use of language takes over and turns this into a different kind of adventure. Leggi tutto
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