Del buon uso della religione
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"C'è qualcosa di straordinario in Alain de Botton? è erudito, ma non minaccioso, ha curiosità e sensibilità."The Independent"Dio è morto, ma nemmeno noi ci sentiamo molto bene. Alain de Botton invita i laici a riscoprire nella religione la forza dei rituali e il valore dei precetti, senza concessioni a dogmi e miracoli."Giulio Giorello
- ISBN: 8860885221
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 287
- Data di uscita: 01-09-2011
With Religion for Atheists, De Botton’s intention appears to be to reinvigorate Auguste Comte’s project for a new ‘religion of humanity', but seems to think that if atheists steal all the best tools for indoctrination from religious tradition without calling it ‘religion’ then it’s all fine. Chapter Leggi tutto
"Hi, my fellow atheists, my name is Alain and I'm a Philosopher." "Hi, Alain. Sounds like a fun job." "You have no idea. And when I say 'my fellow atheists', I include you lot over there who may believe in something in general but don't live actively religious lives." "Uh, really? OK, hi." "I wanted to Leggi tutto
I really like Alain de Botton and his accessible, absorbing approach to philosophy. But I really didn't enjoy this book, I'm afraid. The structure of each chapter the book is very formulaic: a) Identify a positive aspect of religion b) Muse that this is lacking in modern society c) Propose a secular so Leggi tutto
دوستانِ گرانقدر، آقای "الن دو باتن" در این کتاب مشکلاتی که جوامعِ مختلف درگیرِ آن هستند را بیان نموده، و پس از آنکه بیان میکند ادیان و مذاهبِ مختلف چگونه سعی در حل این مشکلات داشتند و هیچگاه موفق نشدند، راه حل های سِکولار و غیر دینی را برای حل این مشکلات ارائه میدهد... ولی به هر حال بحث در مورد Leggi tutto
"Religion for Atheists" tackles questions of the soul in a secular world. As someone for whom religion once structured my worldview (I was a Catholic nun for twenty years and have since left religion altogether), I agree with Alain de Botton's analysis that religion has much to offer unbelievers--no Leggi tutto
“…Dinler içimizi saran yalnızlık hissiyle ilgili çok fazla şey biliyor gibiler…” / “...Hıristiyanlık, bedenlerimiz acıya ve çürümeye karşı dayanıklı olsaydı hepimizin birer canavara dönüşeceğini kulağımıza fısıldar...” / “...Yalnızca dinler, ruhun gereksinimlerini yüksek miktarda paraya çevirmeyi ba Leggi tutto
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