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«Uno scrittore meraviglioso, da leggere assolutamente.»
The Guardian
«Un indiscusso maestro del romanzo.»
Publishers Weekly
Mentre Edimburgo si gode gli ultimi giorni di sole estivo e migliaia di turisti la invadono per assistere al Fringe, Alexander McCall Smith torna a seguire le avventure degli inquilini del numero 44 di Scotland Street. Come se non bastassero le sedute dallo psicanalista e lo yoga, Bertie si ritrova iscritto alla scuola steineriana; a risollevargli il morale, almeno, ci saranno un viaggio in treno con suo padre e una partita a carte con un gangster di Glasgow. All’ultimo piano del condominio, Pat trascorre il secondo anno sabbatico inseguendo il vero amore... e non trovandolo; Bruce, il suo vanitoso coinquilino, perde lavoro e fidanzata e si reinventa commerciante di vini; intanto Domenica continua a osservare il mondo e a deliziare con i suoi commenti il ritrattista Angus Lordie, il cane Cyril e, naturalmente, il lettore.
- ISBN: 8823503787
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 364
- Data di uscita: 31-10-2012
3.5 stars This is the second book in the "44 Scotland Street" series. It can be read as a standalone. In these lighthearted stories, Alexander McCall Smith recounts the activities of a diverse circle of folks who live in Edinburgh's "New Town" neighborhood. Many of the characters live in apartments at Leggi tutto
I’m somewhat reluctant to proclaim my enjoyment of this series because Smith’s writing of gentle, everyday people that are full of everyday human foibles seems, on the surface, to be uncomplicated. But as the reader familiarizes themselves with these characters it becomes clear that this author has Leggi tutto
OK, I finished another Alexander McCall Smith book, what can I say, I just love this guy and his writing style. I love how he gets into the brains and thoughts of so many of his characters. I can tell that he uses certain characters to ruminate on his own philosophies of life...in the case of these b Leggi tutto
I actually just finished the 3rd in this series: Love over Scotland, which I will review shortly. For my first ever GoodReads review, I wanted to start with this one, not because it was better or worse than the first or third, but because it does have an interesting aspect that sets it apart--not jus Leggi tutto
Oh, my! NUDISTS! HAVING PICNICS! And of course, pointing out how difficult it is to be a "naturalist" in Scotland! And Bruce gets his comeuppance! Sort of! Frankly, I could read just the bits about Bertie, his poor dad, and his terrible mother. And, while I know that the parts with Ramsey Dunbarton
Potrei leggere qualsiasi cosa di McCall Smith, uno dei pochi scrittori che dona personaggi a cui riesci a voler bene!! È da follia, ma io a Bertie, a Pat e a Mathew mi sono affezionata sul serio!! Le situazioni narrate poi sono così realistiche, drammatiche e comiche allo stesso tempo che ti ritrovi Leggi tutto
Book on CD narrated by Robert Ian MacKenzie Book two in the “44 Scotland Street” series about the residents of a particular apartment building in Edinburgh. This began as a serialized novel for The Scotsman newspaper and became so popular that the daily episodes were compiled into the original novel, Leggi tutto
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