Il segreto di famiglia
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La violenza di un genitore contro il figlio è forse quella sentita collettivamente come la più incomprensibile e la più indicibile. L’anonima autrice di questo libro, vittima fin dai tre anni delle molestie del padre, ha trovato le parole per raccontarla. Dopo i decenni di silenzio sotto cui il segreto è rimasto sepolto in famiglia, dopo i pochi e frustrati tentativi di spezzarlo con una madre impegnata a imbrigliare nell’apatia i propri fantasmi e un fratello troppo piccolo e poi troppo coinvolto per offrire un sostegno, la voce della vittima erompe in tutta la sua crudezza. Quadro dopo quadro, assistiamo alla trasformazione della bambina violata in una donna indipendente, capace di nuove storie e nuove avventure. Ma un ambiguo e indissolubile legame di dolore e desiderio ha plasmato e domina la sua psiche, la sua personalità, il corpo stesso, che «ricorda ogni cosa».
Si dice spesso che la decisione di scrivere nasca dal bisogno di guarirsi: Il segreto di famiglia ne è la dimostrazione e al tempo stesso il superamento, letteratura che si sostanzia nella verità.
- ISBN: 8823520320
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 160
- Data di uscita: 21-09-2017
I live in Israel. A few weeks ago, a girl my age killed herself after being sexually abused by her father since early childhood -- an abuse which, similar to the one described by the author of this "memoir", went unnoticed and ignored by her mother all these years. The same mother did not even atten Leggi tutto
I'm going to write this review in two parts: reader, and then as an incest survivor. As a reader, the writing has moments where the author revealed what she said she used to cope in childhood through writing a daily journal-- she fixated on clouds and the sky, and on details that helped her to disas Leggi tutto
I can't review this, and feel good about it. So I'm just leaving it at this. Inconsistencies in the story of a victim of over 20 years is not indicative of lying. 20 years of abuse, by multiple people(including those she told her told her to just not talk about it anymore), will change your brain. B Leggi tutto
Some of the reviewers here have been reacting in an upsetting way to the author’s descriptions of abuse. They take issue with how she describes her abuse as sometimes pleasurable, an example of how sexuality can be permanently altered and damaged by sexual abuse. As many victims of abuse can attest, Leggi tutto
I wanted to give this book five stars but I also wanted to give it one star. I know that I will never forget it. I desperately want to have coffee with the author.
Algunas reseñas que leí decían que era un libro morboso el cual no valía la pena leer ya que no poseía una reflexión o un aprendizaje, pero lo cierto es que estoy en desacuerdo. Es una historia que gira en torno a un tema tabú como es el caso del incesto. Está escrito de una forma desgarradora y nad Leggi tutto
Horrifying. Disassociating. Disgustingly enthralling. They say reading fiction builds capacity for empathy. If anything can show that non-fiction can do the same, this can. I can't recommend it. How could I? But I'm glad I read it.
I really liked this book and have been shocked by the comments of people that didn't, as most of them described it as "badly written pornography". I do not think that this book has anything to do with pornography and I find it quite shocking that so many individuals would interpret it as such. I rea Leggi tutto
4 Pleasure as a neads to survive STARS "He said he couldn't help it. He told me it was my fault. He said that he couldn't help it because I was so beautiful and it felt so good. He said he was a sick man. A weak victim of his desire." Ame el libro, odie la historia que cuenta.
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