Il mio cuore sedizioso
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Il mio cuore sedizioso raccoglie vent’anni dell’opera di Arundhati Roy, un lungo periodo in cui la scrittrice ha scelto l’inchiesta, il saggio politico, la testimonianza personale, il resoconto narrativo, come mezzi per condurre le sue battaglie per la giustizia, i diritti e la libertà in un contesto che diventava sempre più ostile. Nell’insieme, il volume traccia una parabola che comincia dalla vittoria del Booker Prize con Il dio delle piccole cose per finire con l’ultimo romanzo, Il ministero della suprema felicità: un percorso di vita e di scrittura nel segno della compassione, della solidarietà e del coraggio.
Incisiva e diretta, la voce dell’autrice si è sempre levata in difesa della collettività, dei popoli e delle loro terre, a dispetto della logica distruttiva delle potenti corporazioni finanziarie, sociali, religiose, militari e politiche.
In costante dialogo con i temi e le ambientazioni dei suoi romanzi, dei quali hanno il fascino e la ricchezza espressiva, questi scritti documentano il viaggio di Arundhati Roy in India e nel mondo, a partire da La fine delle illusioni, che apre la raccolta, per arrivare a Il mio cuore sedizioso, che la conclude.
- ISBN: 8823525268
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 976
- Data di uscita: 06-06-2019
Compilation of Roy’s best nonfiction over 20 years … I’m all caught up! --Well, what can I say. With the best books, I always feel humbled experiencing the mental tapestry crafted over many years by the author, a synthesis of lineages of thoughts culminating in a work of many lifetimes. It is a wondro Leggi tutto
The most amazing fact about the book is that the essays in this book which are said to have been written from 2000s almost project the image of present India. Arundhati Roy is a writer who has been gifted with a rare level of clairvoyance that she has been able to perfectly see it through time. A bo Leggi tutto
Arundhati Roy - the writer with guts. This collected nonfiction written between the time period of publication of her two fictions reflects her intellectual and personal growth as a writer and a concerned citizen. On the other hand, this book depicts the transformation of India (the world too) from
How do I even review such a feat of a book? This is a 1000 page tome that contains a collection of essays that range from the Kashmir Issue, Economic Inequality, Religious Fundamentalism, Casteism, Ecology and many more. It will be nearly impossible for a single person to properly dissect and review Leggi tutto
Should a book on politics of a country, by a writer who is renowned for her craft, be a balanced, non-judgemental, factual piece instead of it being an opinion piece imbued with all the emotions the author feels? *Shrugs* For better or for worse, this IS a collection of her speeches and essays over a Leggi tutto
A bit repetitive, but feels like an important summary of Roy’s activist writing. She brings to light many things that have occurred in India in the early 2000s. Things that I would know little to nothing about without having read this.
"Civil unrest has begun to erupt in the global village. In countries like Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, and India, the resistance movements against corporate globalization are growing. To contain them, governments are tightening their control. Protesters are being labelled ‘terrorists’ and the Leggi tutto
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