Per la prima vola Paolinio e i suoi fratelli restano a casa senza genitori.e quando scende la notte compare uno spaventoso fantasma. Per fortuna Paolino ha un'idea e costruisce dei mostri che spaventeranno il fantasma.
- ISBN: 888203500X
- Casa Editrice: NORD-SUD
- Pagine: 32
- Data di uscita: 18-10-2002
I’m really excited that my daughter is back in school and can pick out her own books at the library and I get to see what her choices are lol. She grabbed this one herself and it was a really cute one about “kids” thinking there is a ghost in their house when their parents go out for the night. Just Leggi tutto
O carte pentru copii tare frumos ilustrată, din care cei mici pot sa extragă curajul, loialitatea între frați şi cultivarea creativității.
Cute. Lots of kids being wild without their parents and then trying to take care of themselves when they are scared.
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