Taccuino di un allegro ubriacone
Tradotto da: Simona Viciani
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Il rituale di scrittura bukowskiano prevede radio sintonizzata sulla stazione di musica classica, birra e pacchetto di sigarette. Oltre, ovviamente, all’eterno monito: mai mettersi alla macchina da scrivere se non si ha nulla da dire. E a giudicare da questa raccolta, inedita in Italia, il nostro Vecchio Sporcaccione ne ha ancora per tutti. Sardonico, corrosivo, ironico, in questi testi Charles Bukowski si dedica ai suoi temi più cari, diventati ormai un feticcio: le donne, il sesso, l’alcol, le corse dei cavalli, gli incontri di pugilato… Ma, a modo suo, stavolta l’autore esce dai vicoli e sale in cattedra, dispensando consigli a scrittori esordienti e non, con quella lucida, anarchica follia che non smette mai di stupire il lettore. E che è fonte inesauribile di nuove storie. Su tutte, spiccano due imperdibili chicche: il brano in cui Bukowski rivela il vero motivo della sua renitenza alla leva e quello in cui, per la prima volta, spiega l’origine del nome Chinaski, suo alter ego letterario, ovvero colui che meglio di chiunque altro sa incassare i pugni sul mento (chin) e le beffe del destino.
- ISBN: 882352461X
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 324
- Data di uscita: 07-03-2019
Ah, Bukowski. Nothing was more important to him than fitting into stereotypes. He loved the whole romantic line of bullshit about poets being crazy, disorganized, bohemian people. He loved to shock his readers, his editors, his publishers, everybody he knew. But most of all, he LOVED being a man. Bu Leggi tutto
Some poets wrote for beauty or truth or insight. Some wrote to get the girls. Charles Bukowski wrote for effect. He wanted readers to feel. His prose – essays - are assemblages of weakness, drunkeness, raunch, and above all, vulgarity. If there ever was an anti-hero, an unsympathetic role model, he Leggi tutto
This publication is divided into three sections. The first presents some omitted stories from "Notes of a Dirty Old Man", the second the introductions Bukowski had written for the books of some of his peers, and the third some interviews with him. If anything is worthwhile in this edition, it is not Leggi tutto
I’d have given it five stars had Bukowski been less of a lout and misogynist. And yet, there’s a fantastic heart in there somewhere. I wish I could have had a beer with him.
Before reading this book, my only knowledge of Bukowski was having read a couple of his poems that appeared in various anthologies, and hearing his name bandied about as an example of a manly Hemingway-esque poet. The Mathematics of the Breath and the Way is a collection of various odds and ends by
Another Bukowski smorgasbord. May the fine people who run his estate never run out of barely publishable odds and ends.
This is a fun collection of random Bukowski odds and ends. The introduction frames the collection as an exploration of Buk as a writer. He so often wrote about being a writer or a poet but his conception of the writer was somewhat amorphous, he was trying to find what it was to be a writer or poet a Leggi tutto
Num volume que compila documentos dispersos, no género, na temática e na época de criação, vamos encontrar textos de valor diferente. Mas é uma compilação muito bem feita. Mais uma prova de que o todo é maior do que a soma das partes. É, pois, um livro indispensável para conhecer o escritor e o pens Leggi tutto
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