In una sua nota d’apertura ai Collected Poems, pubblicati nel 1952, Dylan Thomas scriveva: «Ho letto da qualche parte di un pastore che, quando gli chiesero perché rivolgesse, dal centro di cerchi magici, ossequi rituali alla luna per proteggere il suo gregge, rispose: ‘Sarei un pazzo dannato se non lo facessi!’ Queste poesie, con tutte le loro crudezze, dubbi e confusioni, sono scritte per amore dell’Uomo e in lode di Dio, e sarei un pazzo dannato se non lo fossero». La nascita e la morte, visioni bibliche e echi letterari, significati soggettivi e puri suoni, tutto confluisce a creare l’immenso e variegato immaginario poetico di Dylan Thomas. Una voce, quella del poeta, che può risultare a tratti oscura, ma che, come scrive Roberto Sanesi nel suo prezioso saggio introduttivo, «riesce a far presa su chiunque».
- ISBN: 8823516765
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 224
- Data di uscita: 26-01-2017
I credit this book as my Poetry Lover origin story. When I was 17 I picked up a copy of this from a used bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Dawn Treader for those who know it. The copy was previously owned by someone who took EXTENSIVE notes in the margins and had likely taught Thomas as each met Leggi tutto
Do I need to actually write a review of Dylan Thomas’ work? Read this poem. It says more than I ever could: Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words Leggi tutto
Studied these poems at university and am in awe at Dylan's genius. I can't begin to claim I understand all of the poems in this work, but all of the ones I have looked at in depth are quite amazing as pieces of English that touch a nerve and stir your soul.
The halcyon images of this sea-town park in Wales, where I, too, played as a young child, are vividly captured in Thomas' Reminiscences of Childhood : “ Quite near where I lived, so near that on summer evenings I could listen in my bed to the voices of older children playing ball on the sloping paper- Leggi tutto
" Till every beast blared down in swerve , till every turtle crushed from his shell , till every bone in the rushing grave rose and crowd and fill "
And I am dumb to tell the lover's tomb / How at my sheet goes the same crooked worm.
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