Cime tempestose
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Introduzione di Mario Lunetta
Traduzione di Mariagrazia Bianchi Oddera
Edizione integrale
È questa un’opera del tutto isolata nella tradizione narrativa inglese. In essa l’aspro realismo del quotidiano vive di misteriose e inquietanti tensioni onirico-simboliche e di cupe fiammate emotive, all’interno di una struttura narrativa di grande saldezza ed efficacia. Vi domina la figura di Heathcliff il quale, animato da una passione distruttiva, svolge nel libro la funzione “fatale” del vendicatore spietato, vero “replicante” di tante devastanti figure del gothic novel britannico; ma il suo tirannico porsi come l’inflessibile dark hero nasce da una disperata infelicità di fondo e lo porta a vivificare la propria morte con quella della donna amata, in una sorta di aspirazione erotico-panteistica che conferisce alla sua figura dimensioni assolutamente inedite.
- ISBN: 8822776933
- Casa Editrice: Newton Compton
- Pagine: 320
- Data di uscita: 09-06-2023
This is my favourite book. I do not say that lightly - I've read quite a lot from all different genres - but this is my favourite book . Of all time. Ever. The ladies over at The Readventurer kindly allowed me to get my feelings of utter adoration for Wuthering Heights off my chest in their "Year of Leggi tutto
"Hello, everyone. Welcome to chaos." -Emily Brontë upon publishing this book, probably Inside me, there are two wolves. (I am saying there are two wolves in order to reference the meme, but what would be more accurate is to say that inside of me there are two boring and nonviolent creatures. Like a p Leggi tutto
Certain novels come to you with pre-packaged expectations. They just seem to be part of literature's collective unconscious, even if they are completely outside of your own cultural referents. I, for instance, who have no particular knowledge of--or great love for--romantic, Anglo-Gothic fiction, ca Leggi tutto
"all i care about in this goddamn life are me, my drums, and you"... if you don't know that quote, you're probably too young to be reading this and isn't it past your bedtime or shouldn't you be in school or something? but that quote, hyper-earnest cheese - that is romance. wuthering heights is someth Leggi tutto
Ah the classics. Everybody can read their own agenda in them. So, first a short plot guide for dinner conversations when one needs to fake acculturation, and then on to the critics’ view. A woman [1:] is in love with her non-blood brother [2:] but marries her neighbor [3:] whose sister [4:] marries Leggi tutto
I've tried it three times. I know people are obsessed with it. I hate everyone in the book - and I just can't care about a book where I actually hate the characters. And, sure, I get the interpretation that as terrible as Heathcliff and Cathy are, it's their love that redeems them, and isn't that rom Leggi tutto
4.5ish <3
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