Scritto nel momento in cui la «sintesi moderna» dell’evoluzionismo si era ormai definitivamente affermata, questo libro è stato il primo a raccontare la storia della biologia, da Aristotele al presente, a partire da quella prospettiva. È in queste pagine che si possono trovare gli argomenti più stringenti e convincenti contro ogni forma di essenzialismo e di finalismo in natura; ed è in questa prospettiva che Ernst Mayr recupera, in un’analisi storica coerente, il pensiero e l’opera di Darwin, restituendo alla selezione naturale un ruolo centrale nella comprensione del mondo vivente. Le ricadute culturali di questa impostazione sono di ampio respiro e vanno ben oltre i confini della biologia. La Storia del pensiero biologico di Mayr è il libro che più di ogni altro ha messo in luce il valore rivoluzionario della sintesi darwiniana per la cultura novecentesca.
- ISBN: 8833922707
- Casa Editrice: Bollati Boringhieri
- Pagine: 956
- Data di uscita: 03-11-2011
This book is a conceptual history of evolutionary biology, divided into three parts, on the history of systematics, the history of evolutionary theory, and the history of genetics. The author was himself one of the founders of the modern "evolutionary synthesis", so his account is very authoritative Leggi tutto
A historical context is often required for a complete understanding of scientific controversies within a field. In the discipline of biology, such a book did not exist until Ernst Mayr wrote The Growth of Biological Thought; Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance. This book attempts to fill this gap
A very thorough and intricately researched text, this is an outstanding overview of the history of biological and evolutionary thought ranging from Aristotle to late 20th century views. Mayr provides clear discussion of relevant issues and broad conceptual overviews in ways that are helpful and (som Leggi tutto
Yeah well, to be frank, I haven't really finished this book. It's SUPER-EXTRA-THICK, tracing the growth of biological thought (well, of course: it's in the title), and it's like some sort of Bible to me - I can check it time and again if there is something I need to know, from Aristoteles to Darwin, Leggi tutto
A pleasant little book in case you have a few hours to spare. That's a joke.
A "HISTORY OF IDEAS IN BIOLOGY" Ernst Mayr (1904-2005) was one of the leading evolutionary biologists, whose concept of speciation as a key to evolutionary development was critical for such persons as Stephen Jay Gould. He wrote other books such as 'Systematics and the Origin of Species from the View Leggi tutto
Excellent overview of how three key components of biology were discovered and the milieu in which it occurred. Good for people who want to understand not what a concept is but also how it originated and changed over time. Helps illustrate how science is not a monolith. Somewhat technical in some are Leggi tutto
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