Le 60 lingue che uniscono l'Europa
Tradotto da: Giuseppe Maugeri
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Le 60 lingue che uniscono l’Europa è un viaggio senza precedenti tra le storie, le peculiarità, le inaspettate somiglianze delle parlate che ogni giorno possiamo ascoltare in giro per il vecchio continente. Grazie alla trascinante passione di Gaston Dorren attraverseremo così sperduti villaggi tra le montagne della Svizzera dove la lingua franca è il romancio, piccoli comuni italiani dove si parla catalano, greco o croato, e impareremo a orientarci tra i caratteri dell’alfabeto cirillico. Scopriremo perché l’esperanto non prenderà mai piede, perché il finlandese è la lingua più semplice da imparare, o perché i norvegesi scrivono in danese. E partendo dal protoindoeuropeo per arrivare al successo ormai globale dell’inglese, questo libro divertente e ricco di aneddoti cambierà il modo in cui pensiamo alle lingue che ci circondano, e dimostrerà ancora una volta l’importanza e la ricchezza di un patrimonio che corriamo il rischio di perdere per sempre.
- ISBN: 8811608988
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 312
- Data di uscita: 30-07-2020
Anyone who likes languages will like this book. If you aren't a linguist, I am sure there is much in here to interest you, too. Okay, some of it is a little basic, and on other occasions there is waaaay too much detail. But this is fun. It is interesting. I like the short chapters: you learn a few f Leggi tutto
I was expecting...something different. I knew from the cover description that this would not be an in-depth treatise, but I was still surprised at just how superficial most of the discussion in this book was. Just when I'd think the author was gearing up to dig into something juicy or interesting -
3.5 stars This is a neat little book, consisting of very brief chapters (usually 3-4 pages) highlighting some aspect of 60 different languages of Europe. I learned a lot of fun facts and some useful background from it. Some articles are very informative, while others are quite lightweight or lean hea Leggi tutto
A fast reading, broad sweep of European languages. Just enough information to whet one's appetite to learn more about the development of many of the languages of Europe. I would think this book would be great for a High School library. Chapters are short and focus on a single language so a good book Leggi tutto
Tā kā šī bija jau trešā "valodu grāmata" šogad, neko ārprātīgi daudz es neuzzināju, bet tāpat interesanti. Parasti tādu grāmatu lasīšanas laikā tādas domas mijas no "šo patiesībā pat varētu iemācīties, neizklausās grūta valoda", līdz "no way in hell" brīžos, kad nonākam līdz izņēmumu un īpatnību sad Leggi tutto
Šo grāmatu iepirku pērngad, tikko bija atvērusies grāmatnīca Mr. Page. Iegāju apskatīties un šo grāmatu nopirku. Bodes koncepts nebija slikts, bet lielākā daļa no grāmatām nav manā gaumē. Mākslas grāmatas mājās ir katram, un tā ir tāda grāmatu kategorija, ar kuru īsti nezini, ko pasākt. Beigās iegrū Leggi tutto
Не уявляла, що буває таке науково-популярне мовознавство. Більш популярне, але при тому не менш наукове. Розважальне мовознавство. У стилі розмови за червоним сухим вином на терасі затишної європейської кав'ярні. І говорите ви з поліглотом з вогниками у очах, який подорожує не тільки країнами, а й м Leggi tutto
Lasot šo grāmatu nācās atcerēties studiju gadus un salīdzinošās valodniecības kursu. Īss pārstāsts par Eiropas valodām, to īpatnībām, izcelsmi. Katras nelielās nodaļas beigās ir neliela atkāpe par to, ko no katras konkrētās valodas ir aizguvusi angļu valoda (grāmata vairāk paredzēta angļu val.runājo Leggi tutto
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