Sulla violenza
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«Chiunque abbia avuto occasione di riflettere sulla storia e sulla politica» osserva Hannah Arendt «non può non essere consapevole dell’enorme ruolo che la violenza ha sempre svolto negli affari umani.» In questo breve, densissimo saggio la Arendt dà ragione della sua affermazione ripercorrendo i fatti storici degli anni Sessanta sullo sfondo di tutto il Ventesimo secolo. In una lucida, penetrante (e ancora attualissima) radiografia del fenomeno, cui tuttavia non mancano il tono e la vibrazione dell’autentica passione politica, l’autrice tocca temi quali il rapporto fra violenza, potere, forza e autorità, la «razionalità» della violenza, le sue cause, le sue origini, le differenze tra violenza collettiva e violenza individuale.
- ISBN: 8823517311
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 112
- Data di uscita: 25-05-2017
Hannah Arendt does an excellent job of tracing the thread of violence through the quilt of violent acts. The problem with violence is that it is no a problem until it effects 'us' directly: but by that time any cohesive solution to violence is no longer attainable. The longer violent acts are not ad Leggi tutto
While there are a number of key insights to be had in this slim, late work and her formulation of the inverse relationship between power and violence is fascinating, it's all bogged down in cringe-inducing racism -- for instance, her assertion that black student activists who were unqualified to att Leggi tutto
كتاب عظيم لأقصى حدّ بالنسبة لي.. والخمس نجمات هنّ لقيمته المعرفية بالنسبة لي وللمفاهيم التي اكتسبتها منه.. الريفيو قريباً إن شاء الله..
Had this been written by Joan Bloggs, it would be out of print and almost certainly ignored. But it was written by Hannah Arendt, so it's in print. And given the lack of books on violence, that's probably a good thing. Unfortunately I suspect that it can easily be misread. The historical context her Leggi tutto
به نام او 🔹️«خشونت» عنوان رسالهای از هانا آرنت، فیلسوف یهودی آلمانیتبار است که عزتالله فولادوند آن را بههمراه مصاحبهای طولانی با عنوان «اندیشههایی درباره سیاست و انقلاب» در قالب یک کتاب ترجمه کرده است، کتابی که در سال پنجاه و نه اولبار توسط نشر خوارزمی منتشر شد. 🔸️آرنت در رسالهای درباره خش Leggi tutto
I wanted to read something for Holocaust Memorial Day and well, Hannah Arendt is pretty much the first philosopher that crosses my mind when I think about the Holocaust, even if this book isn't about the Holocaust so really, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. On Violence is a short book (or Leggi tutto
Now, this was disappointing! Part I is clearly dated, I was ,nevertheless, surprised from Arendt's trivialization of black student movement, and generally from here "lumping" of the Neo-Leftists student movements across both sides of the Atlantic. Part II, Arendt introduces here definition of Power, Leggi tutto
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