Keynes e l'instabilità del capitalismo
Tradotto da: Manfredi La Manna
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Formulando un’interpretazione alternativa della Teoria generale, Minsky analizza l’opera di Keynes da un punto di vista non tradizionale e sottolinea come dagli aspetti meno frequentati della sua dottrina si possa trarre
una politica economica adeguata al capitalismo sviluppato. Secondo Minsky, Keynes ha elaborato da una parte una teoria del ciclo fondata sugli investimenti e dall’altra una teoria degli investimenti fondata su elementi «finanziari». Il protrarsi di un periodo di floridità economica fa insorgere un boom speculativo, il quale a sua volta mette in essere rapporti finanziari fragili e destinati a condurre alla crisi.
Le autorità fiscali e monetarie si trovano di fronte alla drammatica alternativa di allentare le tensioni sui mercati finanziari riproponendo le condizioni di una instabilità finanziaria aggravata, o di prendere misure che potrebbero provocare una deflazione creditizia e conseguentemente una profonda depressione.
L’introduzione di Riccardo Bellofiore fornisce una sintesi della teoria economica di Minsky come degli sviluppi successivi a Keynes e l’instabilità del capitalismo, e li aggiorna per tenere conto delle nuove forme assunte dal capitalismo e dall’instabilità finanziaria dopo la new economy e la bolla immobiliare.
- ISBN: 8833937623
- Casa Editrice: Bollati Boringhieri
- Pagine: 288
- Data di uscita: 06-05-2021
keynes, like adam smith, is another 'classic' economist who is very influential but is never actually read. minsky, writing in the 70s during (or slightly after, i cant remember) the first sustained post-war recession which threw 'keynesian' economics into turmoil, reveals that the real keynes would Leggi tutto
I probably didn't appreciate this book as much as I would have had I the technical competence to fully follow the economic theorising, but here are 3 things I did get out of this book: 1). Consumption is important. Even though Consumption is a derivative of employment, which is a derivative of Invest Leggi tutto
Immensely important book.
In this text Minsky analyzes why the Neo-classical synthesis should be rejected and does not represent a outgrowth of Keynes' work in "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money". Minsky also firmly plants Keynes and himself in the tradition of Marx and the socialist position of the inher Leggi tutto
Incredible work that was remarkably prescient for the year it was written. Despite being considerably shorter it explicates his theory better than Stabilising an Unstable Economy, in my opinion and connects many of the aspects in that work to his thesis is a more understandable manner.
This book is simply, utterly, devastatingly hands-down brilliant. Hyman Minsky, in undertaking this overview of the thought and intellectual legacy of John Maynard, Baron Keynes, asks us no less than to consider the following. He asks us to consider that the shape of the modern economy--with its trea Leggi tutto
Despite the title, this book is fairly similar to Minsky's "Stabilizing an Unstable Economy." It examines Keynes's thought, as interpreted and expanded upon by Minsky. I was aware of this going in, so it's not a knock on the book. Here, Minsky is contesting the "consensus" interpretation of Keynes t Leggi tutto
A wonderful book to rethink what you know about keynesian economics. It's main points are as follows: 1. the neoclassical synthesis tho it made use if the general theory, it did so by selecting what suits advocating the modified yet constant classical school. 2. this selection is due to ignoring that Leggi tutto
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