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Sono tempi duri per la polizia di Edimburgo: ristrutturazioni, cambiamenti nell'organico, l'opinione pubblica in subbuglio per il caso di Efan Wurie, il giornalista freelance di colore, figlio dell'ambasciatore del Ghana, ucciso a colpi di martello in pieno centro cittadino. Eppure, non sembra che a Bruce Robertson, incaricato di coordinare le indagini, le cose vadano poi così male. Dopo turni selvaggi di straordinario, l'irreprensibile "Robbo" intende staccare la spina per un po' facendo un pieno natalizio di sesso e droga ad Amsterdam... E di rinunciare alla sua vacanza per risolvere il caso Wurie (un nero, dopotutto, mica uno di noi!) non se ne parla nemmeno. Però...
- ISBN: 8882461394
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 396
- Data di uscita: 17-09-1999
Ne'er has a book been more aptly named as we read from the viewpoint of the head (and stomach!) of Borders & Lothians Detective, Bruce Robertson, who is the main lead in an investigation of a possible racially aggravated murder on the streets of Edinburgh. Bruce however is more concerned in continui Leggi tutto
The ending, the damn ending to the book. It’s been like five years since I last cried with a book, I actually had to step out of the office (I started reading the book on the bus ride to work, I had 20~ pages to go when I arrived and I sure as hell wasn't going to stop reading) and to the bathroom to Leggi tutto
Use quotation marks you limey bastard!
Loved this. Read it when i was in 4th year so I was maybe 15 or 16. Film was amazing too.
I'm so glad I listen to my friend's book recommendations sometimes... 'FILTH' is the story of Detective Sergeant Bruce Robertson, and the first thing you should know about him is that he's a complete and utter Bastard. During the build up to Christmas the race is on for the much desired Detective Insp Leggi tutto
"Same rules apply." I needed a book I could finally rate 5 stars. As many said before me the book perfectly corresponds to the title; filth. There is nothing I've read before that so perfectly illustrates utter and complete burn out. Our protagonist, Bruce is a cop whose life is in ruins, his wife l Leggi tutto
I have never been so glad to finish a book. Great writer, and I found bits of it funny, but my overriding impression of the whole experience of reading it, was one of deep depression! I am glad to say that I will never have to do that again!!!
Absolutely my favorite Welsh read.I loved the humor and Bruce was so relateable(to me and my type of humor) but sort of over-the-top in his slurs towards many controvercial subjects which only made me giggle,tsk and shake my head.He thought many of the things people would never admit to thinking in
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