Tolleranza zero
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Ospedale di Edimburgo, rianimazione: Roy Strang giace in coma in seguito a un tentato suicidio, ma la sua mente è un continuo frullio di ricordi, sogni e deliri. Roy rivive l'infanzia e l'adolescenza in una famiglia di spostati, le botte prese, i traumi subiti; tutta la violenza incamerata esplode anni dopo, quando entra in una banda di hooligans e viene coinvolto in uno stupro di gruppo che lo lascia in preda a un vertiginoso senso di colpa. Alla rievocazione del terribile passato si intrecciano fantasie che sono proiezioni delle sue inquietudini.
- ISBN: 887746996X
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 308
- Data di uscita: 02-02-2001
Irvine Welsh was the literary hero among my generation of working-class Central Belt Scots for his graphic novels set in Edinburgh sink estates, riddled with sex, drugs, violence, and written in dextrously rendered phonetic dialect. I avoided reading Welsh, since a witless moron at my school rated T Leggi tutto
SPOILERS AHEAD synopsis : a lad's life is described, as are his homoerotic dreams about stork hunting. after participating in a lengthy gang rape of a local girl and, later, experiencing the euphoric highs of ecstasy, the young man begins to learn a lot about himself and a little about life. he comes Leggi tutto
Turns out that Irvine Welsh is not a one-trick pony, he's a one and a half trick pony. He wowed us all with his filthy funny tales of Scottish smackheads in Trainspotting, one of the ALL time black comedies, they don't come any blacker or funnier, and then it was kind of - follow that. So this one d Leggi tutto
Stylistically this is Welsh's best work. Along with Glue it's the books of his that show him to be a really great writer who has much more up his sleeve than just drugs and violence (although he writes about these things so well, that it's not a bad thing when I say that). Why this book isn't one of Leggi tutto
In many ways, this book was brilliant: the structure of flitting between his coma state, memories of his childhood, and an African hunting fantasy. Also, the way he physically structures words on the page really conveys the polyphonic stream of consciousness of a person in a coma. And the Scottish p Leggi tutto
Mind. Blown. The angle of this story is incredible to begin with; a coma patient tell his story. Sometimes, he (Roy) slipps close to the surface and hears conversations or music around him, a level below that he recounts actual memories from his life, and even deeper, he hunts the metaphorical stork w Leggi tutto
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