La prescelta e l'erede
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Terre D'Ange: un regno fondato dagli angeli e popolato da individui in cui una bellezza mirabile si accompagna a un'incondizionata libertà fisica e mentale. Un unico precetto guida infatti le Tredici Case che lo dominano: "Ama a tuo piacimento". Abbandonata in tenera età, Phèdre è nata con una piccola macchia scarlatta nell'occhio sinistro: il Dardo di Kushiel, il marchio che contraddistingue le "anguissette", coloro che possono mescolare la sofferenza e il piacere per natura e non per costrizione. Un marchio che non è sfuggito al nobile Anafiel Delaunay, che ha pagato il prezzo di servaggio per la giovanissima Phèdre e poi l'ha accolta presso di sé per insegnarle l'arte di osservare, ricordare e riflettere, e farla diventare così un'abilissima spia.
- ISBN: 884291455X
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 756
- Data di uscita: 12-10-2006
I was waffling between 3 & 4 stars on this one, but since the second book in this series was a marked improvement for me on the first book, 4 stars it is. our intrepid heroine Phèdre - courtesan supreme with a very special talent for transmuting pain into pleasure - makes her debut redux as a titled Leggi tutto
With the expectations Kushiel's Dart gave me, I might have been worried that Kushiel's Chosen wouldn't match up. I wasn't, but I wouldn't have needed to be anyway. I loved this book just as much as the first one. Everything I've said about how it's not for everyone still stands (see my first review ) Leggi tutto
*** 4.35 ***A Buddy Read with the FBR group! This second book in the Phedre Trilogy was, in my opinion, better than the first. The pacing was much better and it kept you on your toes throughout. It had some lull moments, but they were well spaced and gave the main heroine time for some angst and goi Leggi tutto
4.5 Stars This was such a wonderfully immersive fantasy novel. I liked the first novel, but I really fell in love with the characters and the story in this second book. The worldbuilding is incredibly rich and the character work is equally as deep. I really appreciated the nuanced conversation surrou Leggi tutto
Strength was not my weapon; only surrender. In case you'd forgotten Phèdre, our favorite bisexual sex worker & sexspy, is also the subbiest of subs, this book reminds us. And I had a nice time with its 28.5 hours of audiobook, because the narrator is mostly great (though, pun intended, she really but Leggi tutto
Screw magic. Give me some political fantasy any day, and I'm a happy reader. I liked Kushiel's Dart . I'm not sure if there's a definite quality improvement or if I'm going too easy on this one, but I loved Kushiel's Chosen . The Kushiel's Legacy series takes place in a sort of Fantasy Counterpart Cultu Leggi tutto
I didn't love this quite as much as book 1, but it's still a fantastic political fantasy novel with a satisfying story arc. Phaedre continues to be a wonderfully interesting and complex heroine. I didn't like Joscelin as much in this book. I feel like he knew what he was getting into falling for her Leggi tutto
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