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Un'avventura della Sigma Force Vol. 12
1832. Affascinato da una misteriosa rotta segnata su una mappa antichissima, Charles Darwin decide di spingere il «Beagle» sempre più a Sud, fino a lambire i ghiacci dell’Antartide. Ma ciò che vedrà lo convincerà a bruciare il resoconto di quella spedizione e a distruggere ogni prova dell’esistenza di un luogo maledetto.
California, oggi. «Uccideteci tutti.» È questa l’agghiacciante richiesta che arriva da un laboratorio militare segreto. E infatti, quando la squadra di soccorso arriva sul posto, è ormai troppo tardi per intervenire. Perché nel raggio di cinque chilometri intorno al sito, ogni forma di vita ha cessato di esistere.
Washington, oggi. Un gruppo di uomini armati irrompe nella sede della DARPA ed elimina l’unico biotecnologo in grado di dare un senso ai dati sconcertanti raccolti nella zona del disastro. A Gray Pierce rimane quindi solo una possibilità: rivolgersi ad Alex Harrington, un controverso scienziato di fama mondiale che, negli ultimi tempi, aveva intrattenuto una fitta corrispondenza col direttore del centro californiano. Harrington è disposto a collaborare, però a condizione che Gray lo raggiunga nella sua stazione di ricerca in Antartide.
L’agente della Sigma è troppo esperto per non sospettare che si tratti di una trappola, ma deve correre il rischio, se vuole salvare l'umanità dall'estinzione.
- ISBN: 8842926124
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 480
- Data di uscita: 20-11-2014
I realized something when reading this book, something that should have hit me long before now: James Rollins writes awesome female characters. And if you read thrillers as much as I do, you know what a rarity that is. They're smart and competent, compassionate and driven. Yet they're not cookie cut Leggi tutto
3.5 stars In this 10th book in the Sigma Force series two civilian scientists - one in California and one in Brazil - are trying to develop 'outside-the-box' solutions to counteract humankind's destruction of the Earth. Unfortunately the cures are worse than the disease. The book can be read as a st Leggi tutto
The 6th Extinction is book 10 in the Sigma series and you don't need to have read the previous books in the series to enjoy this book. Although it wouldn't hurt to read them in the right order. Mostly because the series is good and it's interesting to follow the character lives throughout the books. Leggi tutto
In the 6th Extinction, James Rollins takes his readers on a journey of DNA evolution. What if Darwin's theory had more to it than what we learned today? The Sigma Force series never disappoints, and in this installment, we learn about the advances of medical technology and the impact of changing the Leggi tutto
The 6th Extinction by James Rollins is the very highly recommended 10th Sigma Force Novel, but more importantly, it is a terrific thriller that will deliver an action packed ride to the suspenseful end. This is not a leisurely read. It is a "stuck overnight at the airport book," meaning The 6th Exti Leggi tutto
Gah!! At 75% mark I lost all interest. Too stupid and way too predictable. The science in this one went too far. I much preferred the earlier books. Shame...
This was the July book for our group book read on Mystery & Suspense group on the Library Thing site. I like James Rollins. I have read most of his other series including some in this one, so I thought I knew what to expect. The book description read like it would be a top-notch adventure... and it
সিগমা ফোর্স সিরিজের মধ্যে প্রথমবারের মতো কোন বই পড়তে গিয়ে বিরক্ত লেগেছে, বইটা বেশ ওভাররেটেড লেগেছে। অনুবাদ খুব একটা ভালো লাগেনি। সিগমা ফোর্স সিরিজের মধ্যে এই প্রথম কোন বই খুব একটা উপভোগ্য লাগলো না। খুব ভালোও না, আবার খারাপও না। অনুবাদে যথেষ্ট সমস্যা ছিল বিশেষ করে কয়েকটা শব্দ বুঝতেই পারিনি কি বুঝা Leggi tutto
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