Dublino, una calda notte di giugno. Un’auto si schianta contro un albero e viene avvolta dalle fiamme. Nell’impatto, l’uomo alla guida perde la vita. Tutto fa pensare a un tragico incidente, ma la scoperta di una strana contusione sul cranio della vittima obbliga l’anatomopatologo Sinclair a chiedere l’aiuto del suo capo, Quirke, lontano ormai da tempo dalla sala autoptica per motivi di salute. Quirke troverà nell’indagine il giusto stimolo per uscire dallo stato di apatia in cui era rimasto bloccato e, grazie alle sue intuizioni e alla lunga esperienza, metterà in discussione le teorie della polizia per seguire nuove, inquietanti piste. Nel frattempo anche Phoebe, la figlia di Quirke, si rivolge al padre in cerca di aiuto: una sua conoscente infatti, dopo averle confessato di temere per la propria vita, è misteriosamente scomparsa senza lasciare traccia. Le indagini porteranno Quirke e il suo vecchio amico, l’ispettore Hackett, a sfidare un mondo sommerso, dove a farla da padrone sono uomini potenti e pericolosi, disposti a tutto pur di raggiungere i propri scopi...
- ISBN: 882352072X
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 272
- Data di uscita: 02-11-2017
Even the Dead is essentially part two of a two-book arc in the life and career of Dr. Quirke, a pathologist and consultant to the delightful though understated Inspector Hackett in a series by Benjamin Black. In these two books Quirke is at his lowest point, but since those are the moments in which
Even the Dead was my first "Quirke" novel - which didn't matter one bit - and I have to say that I'm definitely wanting to read more. I've been a bit down on crime recently - with a few notable exceptions I've been findig them all very samey and indeed I have picked up and put down a few - with Even Leggi tutto
An ordinary unhappiness The discordant and downright peculiar Griffin/Quirke family take what I presume is their final bow. Notwithstanding the disparaging comments of the author on the whole crime genre as well as viewing the mediocre television series, I confess that I have derived much pleasure fr Leggi tutto
This was an enjoyable read, with Benjamin Black (aka John Banville) staying true to form with his lyrical, evocative descriptions. I have enjoyed some previous titles in the Quirke series, and the suspenseful, dark setting of Dublin in the 1950s continues to intrigue. Quirke, always prone to the mel Leggi tutto
Benjamin Black is a superb writer. He lives up to the standard he expressed at the KW Literary Seminar some years ago that he felt an obligation to make every word as perfect as it could be. His sentences are often glorious. The only downside in this is that Black sometimes makes me impatient to get Leggi tutto
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