Un'avventura di Anita Blake Vol. 22
«Ho giurato di uccidere chiunque minacci le persone che amo.
Il fatto che si tratti di un non-morto non mi fermerà di certo.»
Per via del suo lavoro di Risvegliante, Anita Blake ha spesso a che fare con i non-morti e sa benissimo che non sono affatto come gli zombie che si vedono al cinema... almeno non lo sono mai stati. Dalla telefonata che riceve dalla madre di Micah Callahan, sembra invece che in Colorado sia all’improvviso comparsa un'orda di creature assetate di sangue, che trasformano tutti coloro che mordono in mostri simili a loro. E il padre di Micah è una delle vittime. Determinata a bloccare l'epidemia e a salvare Mr Callahan, la Sterminatrice si precipita sul posto. Ma le bastano pochi giorni per rendersi conto che questi zombie sono molto più pericolosi di quanto pensasse. Incredibilmente veloci e forti come vampiri, non temono nulla, né il fuoco né la luce del giorno. Eppure Anita deve trovare un modo per fermarli, prima che annientino le persone che ama...
- ISBN: 8842927716
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 640
- Data di uscita: 21-04-2016
Hello, and welcome to another group therapy session for people who can't stop reading these books even though they are awful. Or rather, because they used to be not awful, and it is fascinating to see just how awful they are now. I don't mark spoilers, because the plot is really irrelevant in these
Affliction a poem How many guys can you abuse How often can your v be used Does plot count when it is dull Bloat between a sexual lull Is Edward dragged back To take up some of the slack Or face time with old friends and flames Trying to prove there’s more in this game The Zombie Virus plot is a bust Nothing Leggi tutto
Just when you thought it was safe. It’s not a stretch to say that we’re sold a bill of goods on this one. After months of promos and teasers about an unknown zombie disease ravaging people, there came a teaser trailer where the villain was clearly identified as Lover of Death, a Master Rotting Vampir Leggi tutto
From the author's blog: "Micah is called back home by his estranged family, because his father, a county sheriff, has been attacked and is terribly injured. Anita and Nathaniel are going with him for moral support and to meet his family under very trying circumstances." Can I just say, HELL YEAH!! Th Leggi tutto
Okay, so I'm only 14% into this book (according to my kobo), 80 pages in, and I'm having some serious problems. I gave up on Anita a couple years ago. I, too, was one of the fans that got tired of the repetitive, gratuitous sex, but admittedly I stuck it out longer than most people. A couple months ag Leggi tutto
Favorite Lines I am putting a couple because I couldn't make up my mind! “If you’re doing it right, love makes you more of who you are, not less,’ I said.” “Real ghosts are so much easier to deal with than the kind we carry around in our heads. Most people haunt themselves more effectively than any s Leggi tutto
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