Un'avventura di Anita Blake Vol. 13
Anita Blake viene svegliata all'alba per un'emergenza: l'amico e collega Larry Kirkland deve correre in ospedale, perché la moglie sta per partorire, e ha bisogno che qualcuno lo sostituisca per un paio di giorni. Sebbene abbia una paura tremenda di prendere l'aereo, Anita accetta di andare al posto suo a Philadelphia. In fondo si tratta di un lavoro di routine: risvegliare il testimone oculare di un omicidio, stroncato da un infarto prima dell'inizio del processo. Tuttavia qualcosa va subito storto: i suoi poteri di negromante, infatti, non si concentrano su un'unica tomba, ma si diffondono all'intero cimitero e per poco non resuscitano tutti i defunti. Per fortuna, con lei c'è Micah, re dei leopardi mannari nonché suo nuovo amante, che la aiuta a riprendere il controllo e interrompe la seduta. Anita però non ha molto tempo per capire cosa sia successo: la polizia deve chiudere il caso al più presto, altrimenti l'assassino verrà assolto per insufficienza di prove. Pur di portare a termine l'incarico, decide quindi di correre il rischio, anche perché tener testa a un esercito di non-morti la spaventa meno di rimanere sola con Micah e affrontare i sentimenti sempre più profondi che prova per lui...
- ISBN: 8842919888
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 187
- Data di uscita: 24-11-2011
I gave up on [buying] Laurell Hamilton some time back, as her books have devolved into cheap sex scenes apparently caused by the author's relationship going into a meltdown. The first 6 books in this series are great. From then on they seem to turn more and more into porn, starting soft and steadily Leggi tutto
Micah is a very interesting character. As I’ve already mentioned he is one of my favorite sweeties. Micah and Nathaniel completely rock my world! Micah was one of my refuges. His arms, his body, his smile. His quiet acceptance of me, violence and all. Now I was back to being scared. Shit. With that Leggi tutto
I promised myself I wouldn't read past Obsidian Butterfly, but then I was given this for free and I have to see if it's as awful as I think it's going to be... signs are pointing to yes. Page 136 edit: The sex, OMG the sex... I don't think I'll ever stop laughing... Jesusfuck, why do I do this to myse Leggi tutto
In this little short story we get to see once again that Micah is way too good for Anita. He is such a nice guy, but way too easy to steamroll. And, Anita is the definition of a steamroller. A bitchy steamroller. run away, Micah! So, Micah travels out of town with Anita to do a zombie-raising, and th Leggi tutto
What a piece of crap. I picked it up at the airport, and I should have left it on the plane.
I hate Micah and I hate novellas disguised as novels. This was a waste of time and about the point I started hating Anita. Mind you I still buy her books, but I think part of me just wishes she would get shot a spend about three books in a coma.
It's funny because I remember when I first read this series, back when I was reading them as they were release, I really disliked Micah. I'm also realizing how much I actually overlooked from this series - I've become such a cynical reader now lol. Anyway... Micah. From what I remember, this book was Leggi tutto
This book had no ending. Hell, it didn't even have a beginning. I thought I'll really like this one, expected to like it more than the others. But I guess people are right, the series is really going downhill. This story was short and pretty boring, I got used to more exciting stories.
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