Una raccolta di racconti che spaziano per i vari territori del thriller, del noir, della detective story più classica. Sullo sfondo, l'America delle grandi metropoli, e quella delle piccole cittadine e delle vallate sperdute, con puntate anche in Messico e nell'America del Sud. Storie nere e cupe, come quella sulla tragica fine di un prete pedofilo a Boston, e racconti improntati all'humour nero come quello in cui un killer professionista s'improvvisa insegnante per salvare dai terroristi i ragazzini di una scuola media. Ci sono anche tre curiose incursioni "d'epoca", ambientate nell'Ottocento e un divertissement "sherlockiano", in cui il dottor Watson rievoca, a beneficio di Holmes, un episodio accadutogli in gioventù a San Francisco, protagonista un ex colonnello della guerra di Secessione, alle prese con fantasmi messicani. Tra gli autori, qualche ottimo esordiente accanto a esperti autori di genere come Gar Anthony Haywood, Phillip Margolin, Jon Land e Jay Brandon, e a scrittori la cui fama esula i confini del thriller e del noir, come Dennis Lehane e Kurt Vonnegut.
- ISBN: 8830431532
- Casa Editrice: Longanesi
- Pagine: 486
- Data di uscita: 13-09-2012
I guess my idea of a mystery story is out-of-date and old fashioned. These stories are gritty, graphic, gory, and lack the intrigue of a carefully crafted whodunit. But, as the series editor noted in his foreword, the whodunit is rare in "mysteries" by today's authors. Why? What makes the art of a l Leggi tutto
With Lee Child as guest editor for The Best American Mystery Stories 2010 you won't find Miss Marple or the Fat Belgian in this collection. You might, however be forgiven for expecting a little more Mystery than this tome provides. I found the collection to be more crime fiction than mystery, with tw Leggi tutto
Mr. Child and I, we do not agree on what makes a good mystery story. Ah, well.
Zbiór opowiadań z szerokiego spektrum historii kryminalnych, wśród których każdy wielbiciel gatunku powinien znaleźć coś dla siebie. Nie brak tu więc historii o charakterze stricte detektywistycznym, wśród których warte wyróżnienia są te, które prezentują dość nietypowych "detektywów", osadzone są w Leggi tutto
YAY! I’m done. It took me a long time, but I like having a nice collection of short stories to read between other books, especially if the other book is a bit harder going. Mysteries are good because I love mysteries, and with the Best American short story collection there’s a nice variety. THis is Leggi tutto
If these were the BEST of 2010, then American Mystery Stories are in trouble. As short stories go they all fit the bill of quick presentations. As for content, many were not very good. They tried but failed overall to really tell a mystery / suspenseful Some were terrible and had no place in this or Leggi tutto
My first was the 2001 collection. I did not like that one one bit. This is better. But still, I wonder… is the concept of “mystery” being diluted or redefined? Because some stories just don’t qualify as such. May be the editors have their own taste. Anyway, it’s confusing to find dull stories passin Leggi tutto
6,5/10 Kilka świetnych opowiadań, ale większość jednak niezapamiętywalna. Zdecydowanie najlepsze to "Sprawiedliwość w każdym calu" Cohena, "Pies" Lehane'a, "Powiedzcie mi" Leidiger i "Klub Teda Luby'ego" Vonneguta.
Great stories. I really enjoyed reading all of them!
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