Per l'amor di un Dio
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Dura la vita per le antiche divinità nel XXI secolo: nessuno crede più in loro, si sono ridotte a vivere stipate in uno sgangherato condominio di North London, dove manca spesso l'acqua calda.
E che dire del mestiere che sono necessariamente costrette a svolgere per campare? Artemide, la dea della caccia, ora fa la dog sitter, mentre la splendida Afrodite, dea dell'amore, lavora per una chat line erotica e Dioniso gestisce un locale. E lo splendido Apollo, il fiammeggiante dio del Sole? Cerca la fama, senza successo, in televisione, e per vincere la noia va in giro a fare dispetti alle mortali. A un certo punto, però, nella loro vita triste e abbrutita entrano la sfortunata cameriera di Artemide e il suo fidanzato. Il registro del racconto da comico si fa romantico, e viene ripresentato in chiave moderna l'intramontabile mito di Orfeo ed Euridice, anche se l'oltretomba si trova sotto la stazione della metropolitana di Londra. Dicono del libro "Un romanzo davvero originale? Una storia che affascina e diverte..." The Times "Un esordio entusiasmante e di grande qualità." The Daily Mail
- ISBN: 8860880807
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 295
- Data di uscita: 14-05-2009
This was indeed Fluff with a capital F. For most of the novel, the pages flipped over like the wind was turning them. It wasn't that it was that suspenseful or anything, it was just such easy, frothy reading that it just fell through your fingers without you really noticing. It did get a bit heavy i Leggi tutto
This novel opens with so much promise: the Greek gods living in modern London, bored and barely able to sustain themselves. We get some of the classic elements demanded by such a project- rogue love interests, fighting, revenge, jealousy. However the book fizzles at the helm of predictability, unlik Leggi tutto
"Gods Behaving Badly" had an awesome concept, an okay delivery, and a flat ending. I'm an avid fan of Greek mythology, and this book starts out with a lot of promise. Unfortunately, in reading the book, I felt as though the author had assembled all of the horses for the Kentucky Derby, then put them Leggi tutto
This story reads like the novelization of a comic book. It's short on thoughtfulness and introspection and long on silly action/romance scenes. Marie Phillips does provide a funny take on what life would be like for the fading Olympians: slummy home in London, imbalanced relationships, lots of time
The Greek gods of myth (who would be very offended at being called myths) are in exile in London with their powers in decline. Apollo is taking the fall for global warming and Artemis, as goddess of the hunt, is almost out of a job with weapons controls tightening and hunting as sport declining. All Leggi tutto
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