Introduzione, note e commenti di Giuseppe Anceschi
Capolavoro incompiuto del Boiardo, pubblicato postumo nel 1495, l’Orlando innamorato fonde mirabilmente i motivi guerreschi del ciclo carolingio e quelli avventurosi e fantastici del ciclo bretone di Re Artù. Sullo sfondo della guerra tra i cristiani di Carlo Magno e i mori di Agramante, fra mille storie di passioni e incantesimi, il poema narra l’intrepida tenzone tra i paladini Orlando e Ranaldo per conquistare la bella Angelica. La nostalgia per un mondo cavalleresco ormai in declino, il gusto del romanzesco e della fiaba, la rivisitazione dell’ideale eroico alla luce dei concetti umanistici di virtù e dignità sono alcuni dei motivi che reggono la ricchissima trama dell’opera in cui si dispiega l’inesauribile invenzione creativa dell’autore. Su tutti domina, con sovrana onnipotenza, la passione amorosa impersonata da Angelica: seducente e capricciosa, irresistibile e perennemente in fuga, scintilla e insieme vittima dell’incendio che fa divampare nei cuori di cristiani e pagani, l’eroina incarna per concretezza e vitalità una concezione esuberante e maliziosa dell’amore ormai lontana dal modello medievale.
- ISBN: 8811370094
- Casa Editrice: Garzanti
- Pagine: 1328
- Data di uscita: 13-06-2003
Those who like listening to cruel duels,Gruesome assaults, and massive strokes,Step forward Some random things that occur in the work: disembowelment, necrophilia, cannibalism (specifically someone is tricked into eating their own children), someone gets hit in the head so hard their "nose and mo
Second Read: Verse translation free from PoetryinTranslation by A.S.Kline. [4/5 Stars.. so far, reading in progress] Great stuff i don’t know why its so easy for me to read these epic poems but it is. Others however might find it as interminable as i did the prose version. There are lot of fights, th Leggi tutto
I like Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto better, but this book that inspired Ariosto's work is still pretty enjoyable. I would have been happy to read the whole thing except that I suddenly stopped caring about knights errant and their adventures, probably because that's almost all I've been readi Leggi tutto
Thoroughly enjoyed Boiardo's epic romance with its characterisation of noble warriors, both Saracens and Christians, and strong women, brave and wise.
2018 review: Really glad I re-read this, I definitely got more out of it this time. There's a lot left out, but that's going to happen in any translation of Boiardo or Ariosto. So much plot! But this time I made a bit more sense of it, all of the episodic stories are essentially re-tellings of the M Leggi tutto
I pretty thoroughly enjoyed this poem. Yes, it is long and it can get a bit repetitious at times, but instead of sitting down and reading this like a modern novel, I read a few cantos every night and found it never got stale. It's really a great story: it has battles and magic and romance and humor
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