Righe. Una storia culturale
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A lungo, in Occidente, righe e tessuti rigati sono stati visti come espressione di marginalità se non addirittura di infamia: ne erano vestiti dai musici alle prostitute, dagli eretici alle persone affette da malattie e quindi emarginate e, nel mondo delle immagini, il diavolo in persona e in tutte le sue espressioni. A un certo punto, però, senza che questo significato negativo scompaia del tutto, le righe iniziano a simboleggiare anche valori positivi: libertà, giovinezza, progresso, persino igiene e salute, in un ribaltamento di valori che si mantiene ancora adesso. Come tutto questo sia avvenuto, e perché, sono le domande alle quali, con la competenza del maggior esperto vivente del colore in tutte le sue espressioni, risponde Michel Pastoureau in questo libro, esplorando i significati delle righe in tutte le loro declinazioni, dalle più colte alle più popolari, in un viaggio attraverso il tempo, la moda, le usanze, l’arte, l’arredamento.
- ISBN: 8833318516
- Casa Editrice: Ponte alle Grazie
- Pagine: 128
- Data di uscita: 26-05-2023
Мишель Пастуро — французский историк-медиевист, специалист про нумизматике, геральдике, сфрагистике, известный благодаря "Символической истории европейского Средневековья" и книгам об исторической символике некоторых цветов. "История полосок" не так подробна, как другие его работы. В книге содержател Leggi tutto
I was disappointed with this book. The problems as I see it: 1) It's too small to really provide the illustrations needed to buttress his argument. 2) While he has good, even believable ideas, he routinely failed to convince me in one section and then contradicted himself in the next, thus irritating Leggi tutto
A mildly interesting book, I find it fascinating how something as common place today as stripes was actually such a big deal in the past and how this colors our use without us even realizing it. I did feel however that even for a small book , it was rather light in content. He spends more time listing Leggi tutto
де людина зустрічається з хаосом, безладом, девіантністю, там вона вдається до смужок: вони позначають (як на шаликах у повій або на вбранні паяців), захищають (як ґрати чи, дуже зворушливо пише пастуро, піжама – адже смугаста піжамка саме й покликана берегти нас від нічних страхіть, хіба ні?), стру Leggi tutto
In the bibliography, he wrote that, “It is made up more of impressions and interrogations than compilations.” Translation: He pulled it out of his @ss rather than doing actual research.
What a fun little book! And I do mean little in both size and content, which is really all I think I could possibly want on the subject of striped fabric. But I learned some really fascinating cultural history of feudal Europe (and beyond) - just ask me about Carmelites, Saint Joseph and his pantalo Leggi tutto
This book provides new insight on a standard fabric pattern. The meaning of the stripes has changed through the ages. During the Medieval period stripes were used to mark sub-classes (prositutes, jesters, executioners)and was often seen to be associated with sin or the devil. The meaning of the stri Leggi tutto
This is the 2nd book by Pastoureau that I have read -- the first was the history of the color green. Pastoureau's scholarship is impeccable. Through studying textiles, insignia, and colors, he brings new light to history. This book is quite brief -- after all, stripes are a pretty narrow subject --
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