Un leone in biblioteca. Ediz. mini
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La signora Brontolini, capo-bibliotecaria, è molto severa sulla questione delle regole. In biblioteca non è permesso correre e non si può alzare la voce. Ma quando un giorno compare un leone, nessuno è più sicuro di quel che si deve fare, perché... nessuna regola parla di leoni! Con il passare del tempo, comunque, ogni cosa si aggiusta e il leone diventa un assistente bibliotecario perfetto: fa da divano per i bambini durante l'ora di lettura e si rende utile in mille altri modi. Almeno fino al giorno in cui succede un imprevisto e, infrangendo le regole, il leone ruggisce a più non posso... Età di lettura: da 5 anni.
- ISBN: 8893080931
- Casa Editrice: NORD-SUD
- Pagine: 40
- Data di uscita: 27-02-2020
I have been looking for some books with a library setting and this is one of the first ones I found. I love this story. One day a lion walks into the library. There are no rules against lions so everyone is nervous, but they let him stay. He becomes a huge help to the staff and he dusts books and do Leggi tutto
A lovely story about a lion that loves to visit a library. Thank you to goodreads friend 4eyedreader for giving me a link to a site that has this book read aloud, it looks like a brilliant resource and well worth a visit. A lion comes to the library and loves to stay for story time. He learns not to Leggi tutto
ديوونه اي چيزي م؟ خدايي اين كجاش گريه داشت كه اينطور اشكم سرازير شده بود؟
تقریبا سه سال پیش بود که در عید دیدنیمان در یک شهر شمالی، دختر مهربان میزبان چند کتاب برایمان آورد و گفت که اینها را کانون پرورش فکری شهرشان به او داده و او هم دیگر آنها را نمیخواهد. این کتاب هم در میان آنها بود. ابتدا همه کلیشههای ذهنیام دست به دست هم دادند: یک کتاب بزرگ با نوشتههای بزرگ، سبک Leggi tutto
Should a children’s book aim to teach important lessons to kids or just exist to entertain? This is a false choice and Library Lion shows just how possible it is to do both. I loved this book about a lion who falls in love with story time at the library, breaks the rules – by roaring in protest when Leggi tutto
One day, a lion walks into the library (the New York Public Library, mind you, where I actually bought this book). And, because there are no rules against a lion being in the library, he is allowed to stay. After all, he doesn't make any noise: his paws are quiet on the library floor and he doesn't
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