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Ho cercato di rifarmi una vita. Sono fuggita nel cuore della notte dall'altra parte del Paese, mi sono iscritta al college sotto falso nome. Per un po', ha funzionato. Sono diventata Lisa, l'allegra e vivace studentessa sempre pronta a divertirsi. Eppure, ogni volta che qualcuno si avvicinava troppo a me, sentivo l'impulso di scappare di nuovo. Ogni volta che un ragazzo mi sfiorava, provavo solo una paura disperata. Perché non si può cambiare la propria anima. Non si può cancellare il passato. E gli errori che ho commesso mi tormentano come spiriti inquieti. Poi però ho incontrato Trevor.
- ISBN: 8850246323
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 334
- Data di uscita: 18-05-2017
3-3.5 stars “Everything done in darkness will eventually be brought into the light.” Shame was completely different than the first two books in this series. I did like the book a good bit, and actually some parts that were way dark intrigued me, but for some reason I didn’t fall in lo
ARC provided by author in exchange of honest review ☆☆☆☆☆ 5 TRISTAN STARS ☆☆☆☆☆ There aren’t enough words to describe how emotionally charged, riveting , touching and heartbreaking SHAME by Rachel Van Dyken is. Rachel is one of those authors for me who can completely capture and own you emotional Leggi tutto
4 Learn from your mistakes Stars A LOT happens in Shame. It’s crazy, but in a good way I loved Ruin, was a bit disappointed with Toxic, but Shame really rounded everything out. I’m very happy I stuck with the series and Shame left me satisfied. Summary (brief) Remember Lisa? She’s Gabe’s best friend. An Leggi tutto
Expected publication: June 2014 OMG please let this be Lisa's Story!! please please please!!!!!!! --------------------- UPDATE JULY 23 2014 ------------------------- OMG!!! IT WAS MOVED!! --------------------- UPDATE AUGUST 25 2014 ------------------------- OMG!! IT GOT MOVED AGAIN T.T --------------------- U Leggi tutto
Shame brings us Lisa’s story. Part of her past was eluded to during Toxic, but for the first time we get the clear picture of just what she escaped when she escaped her life two years ago. For two years Lisa has lived with guilt over the part she played in her past, two years of living in fear... two Leggi tutto
Sometimes the most beautiful things are the ones that pose the most danger, just like the ugliest of the world turn into objects of absolute beauty. The cancer was ugly, but Kiersten turned it to beauty. The death of Gabe’s fiancée was horrendous, but Saylor made the death redeeming, precious. An Leggi tutto