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Matilde ha imparato a leggere a tre anni, e a quattro ha già divorato tutti i libri della biblioteca pubblica. Quando perciò comincia a frequentare la prima elementare si annoia talmente che l'intelligenza deve pur uscirle da qualche parte: così le esce dagli occhi. Gli occhi di Matilde diventano incandescenti e da essi si sprigiona un potere magico che l'avrà vinta sulla perfida direttrice Spezzindue. la quale per punire gli alunni si diverte a rinchiuderli in un armadio pieno di chiodi, lo Strozzatoio, o li usa per allenarsi al lancio del martello olimpionico. L'intelligenza e la cultura sembra dirci l'autore - sono le uniche armi che un debole può usare contro l'ottusità, la prepotenza e la cattiveria.
- ISBN: 8831001221
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 8
- Data di uscita: 28-11-2019
ظلت تقرأ وهذا آثار جنونهلقد كانت تنال المتعة من شيء لا يفهمه الا تكفين عن القراءة ابدا؟حسنا !!كم مرة سمعنا هذه الجملة الحقودة الفارغة الغبية؟عشرات؟ مئات المرات؟ تكون محظوظا حقا لو لم تسمعها يوميا من ابويك ..مثل ماتيلدا طفلة الخامسة التي زارت أفريقيا مع همنجواي ابحرت بسفن جوزيف كونراد الخشبية العتيقة Leggi tutto
‘ There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book. ’ - Marcel Proust I loved this book so much as a child that I quite literally named a child after it. Matilda by Roald Dahl is a beloved children’s classic for a reason and one that still warms the hear Leggi tutto
Does anyone really, truly love to learn as much as Matilda? Books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone. She is such an inspiration - and not only because of the freaky telekinetics. When I first read this book as a fifth grader, I absolutely connected with her. FINALLY
Matilda is a lovely little book. It’s a book about standing up against bullies (no matter who the bullies are.) It’s also a book about learning to live with yourself, about being who you are despite the pressures those who are supposed to love you may exert on your personality. It’s a book written f Leggi tutto
5 stars from my little girl, Jess (age 7). SPOILERS! Comments while reading: "Matilda's parents are sooo stupid!" "What is a 'used car salesman'?" "How does putting sawdust and oil in a car's gearbox make it run smoother?" "The funniest parts are when Miss Trunchbull hurled the kids out of the classroom, Leggi tutto
My first read of 2022, and I ADORED it! One of my reading goals for 2022 is to read classics (and books in general) that have been on my TBR for ages! I’ve been wanting to read Matilda for such a long time, but for some reason I never did! I’m incredibly happy to say that I finally have read it and Leggi tutto
5 stars for another Roald Dahl masterpiece! He adds a way of life, in the form of magic, to his characters. Many have mentioned to me that they read several of his books when they were children. I guess I am just one of those people that missed out reading him when I was younger however, I am extrem Leggi tutto
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