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Dopo l'attentato in cui è rimasto ucciso il diplomatico danese Cai Thorvaldsen, la vita di Cotton Malone è cambiata: lasciato il dipartimento di Giustizia americano, si è trasferito a Copenhagen dove, con l'aiuto del padre della vittima, il miliardario Henrik Thorvaldsen, ha aperto una libreria antiquaria. Henrik però non ha mai smesso d'indagare sulla morte del figlio e adesso ha il nome del colpevole: Lord Graham Ashby, un trafficante d'opere d'arte di recente reclutato da una lobby di speculatori per trovare il leggendario tesoro di Napoleone. Desideroso di vendicarsi, Henrik chiede a Cotton di sventare i loro piani. E l'unico modo per farlo è rintracciare un enigmatico volume, citato da Napoleone nel proprio testamento e affidato al suo maggiordomo pochi giorni prima di morire…
- ISBN: 8850250002
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 448
- Data di uscita: 24-05-2018
4,5 sterren - Nederlandse hardcover 🦋🌹🦋 Steve Berry heeft de spanning goed verdeeld in dit boek. Hij heeft het voor elkaar weten te krijgen de spanning beter te verdelen, het verhaal nog wat makkelijker uit te leggen voor de beginneling in dit genre en hij Durf om dit onderwerp in een boek te behande Leggi tutto
Față de celelalte volume, am avut mai puțină istorie și mai mult plan personal. Din păcate unul din personajele importante a dispărut, iar faptul că întreaga intrigă este construită în jurul lui a făcut ca volumul să nu se ridice la nivelul celorlalte.
I’m a huge fan of Steve Berry. The amount of research he does for each one is just amazing. He takes us on travels that most of us will never go on ourselves. I always learn something new. The Paris Vendetta focuses on Napoleon Bonaparte. Most of us probably know the following facts about Napoleon: H Leggi tutto
With the 5th novel in the Cotton Malone Series, the author has written another well-crafted book, where he skillfully blends modern day suspense and historical mystery, featuring Cotton Malone, ex-member of the Magellan Billet, now living a quite life as a bookstore owner in Copenhagen. I love the f Leggi tutto
Yes, Yes, Yes !!! At last I have finished the book. What can I say this book? A mixed pickle or something? To be very honest, it's an atom bomb. Whenever I first saw this book at Adee Prokashoni, Banglabazar, I was little hesitating to buy this book. But it caught my attention right after I read the Leggi tutto
I recieved this book as part of a first reads giveaway. Overall, I really enjoyed it. It's pretty fast paced, action packed. I also really enjoyed the characters. This book reminded me a bit of a Dan Brown novel, in the way that history becomes an integreal part of the story. I really enjoyed the pa Leggi tutto
This was good but not quite as good as the previous ones. It seemed to be concerned more with "action" scenes than the characters.
Cotton Malone’s Danish mentor and friend, Henrik Throvaldsen, has finally put everything in place to take revenge for his son’s murder that took place years ago. A vendetta. But to do so gets him tangled up with an international cabal that is attempting to locate and plunder Napoleon’s lost treasure Leggi tutto
I crawled to the end of this book. Very disappointed and will not return to this author. Was expecting a page-turner, but simply could not get drawn in. There are several reasons for this: 1. The characters and story so full of stereotypes, they turn kitschy 2. Poor writing technique 3. The lack of cad Leggi tutto
When I picked this book up, I'd seen reviews saying that it wasn't like Berry's previous novels. Some of the reviewers liked it, some didn't. I have to admit, they were right- the book isn't much like any of Berry's other novels. Rather than focus on the pursuit of some forgotten bit of history, the Leggi tutto
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