La terra desolata
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in occasione del centenario della sua prima pubblicazione, una nuova, preziosa edizione del capolavoro di T.S. Eliot, uno dei testi cardine della letteratura del Novecento, curata da Sara Ventroni, fra le più apprezzate poete italiane.
- ISBN: 8833319091
- Casa Editrice: Ponte alle Grazie
- Pagine: 84
- Data di uscita: 16-09-2022
...أعذر كل من لم يستطع فهم أو محبة الأرض الخراب بالعربيةفأنا عانيت معها وحدي قبل دراستها بلغتها الأصليةفالرموز وطريقة السرد(العظيمة) تؤثر كثيرا على من لا خلفية له عنهاعندما بدأت في دبلومة الترجمة في الدراسات العلياوجدت أستاذي في الشعر هو أحد أساتذتي في الترجمة أيضاوعندما علمت أنه يشرح القصيدة لإحدى Leggi tutto
You know, one of the greatest poems of the 20th century and that kind of thing. I must know a fair amount of it by heart. Here's a story about "The Waste Land" that some people may find amusing. Many years ago, when I was an undergraduate in Cambridge, a friend of mine asked me for advice on how to
I read a lot of poems as an English major back in the day.* Not many have stuck with me over the years, but The Waste Land is one of them: T.S. Eliot's lamentation about the spiritual drought in our day, the waste land of our Western society, lightened by a few fleeting glimpses of hope. It's fragme Leggi tutto
I would not presume to offer anything approaching a definitive judgment of this unique and influential poem, a poem which presents us—in early modernist fashion—with a provocative collage of voices and scenes, fragments which Eliot has collected from the “heap of broken images” that litter the deser Leggi tutto
Some people are born to become the trendsetters and I will say that T. S. Eliot has opened the new gates to poetry after the publication of his masterpiece The Waste Land. Poetry was supposed to be about lyrics and music only. He created a different kind of disturbing music but that rang to the ears Leggi tutto
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