Beast Quest 36 - Vespick. La Regina delle Vespe
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Tom è a un passo dal salvare sua madre Freya e liberare Kayonia dalla perfida magia di Velmal. Ma per raggiungere il suo obiettivo deve fare i conti con Vespick, la Regina delle Vespe.
- ISBN: 886918501X
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 128
- Data di uscita: 01-09-2016
Me and my pals would’ve killed Vespick with hammers I’ll tell you that for free
Quote from the book: "Tom looked inside, to see all the other Kayonian ingredients that he had collected on his Quests: the pearl, the red jewel, the jade ring, the chain of weeds, and the flower." Apparently this book's ghostwriters read the wrong book set's item list. Because the pearl was from the Leggi tutto
This is an adventure series about a boy called Tom who has to go on sustained quests, defeating a different malicious beast in each one. He is trying to save the land of Kayonia in this one. Vespick is a wasp queen who has the power to empty a market square by summoning a swarm of stinging wasps. Tom Leggi tutto
I'm not finishing this one because it was too wasp buzzy.
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