Beast Quest 9. Soltra. L'Incantatrice di Pietra
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Tom torna a Errinel, guidato dalla mappa magica del mago Aduro, alla ricerca dei pezzi dell’armatura d’oro. Scopre così che il suo villaggio vive nel terrore a causa di Soltra, l’Incantatrice di Pietra, che trasforma in pietre le sue vittime. Riuscirà a difendere i suoi cari dalla perfida creatura?
- ISBN: 8831000616
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 128
- Data di uscita: 30-05-2019
I liked this book
Злият магьосник Малвел се е зарекъл, че втори път няма да загуби от момчето Том. Адуро, вълшебникът, който толкова му е помагал, сега е негов пленник. Златната броня, която е трябвало да му даде сили, е разпръсната из различни краища на вълшебната земя Авантия. Том е събрал шлема и ризницата, но сег Leggi tutto
Book 9 was somewhat disappointing. Same characters and formula but it didn’t engage us. Even the 7 year old thought it was meh. The same issues with the illustrations not matching the story but this time they were so off it was worse than distracting... it bothered us and became the key piece of the Leggi tutto
The read aloud continues. My son loves the series so we continue.
awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leggi tutto
Beast Quest: Soltra the Stone Charmer is nothing less than the pinnacle of Western literature, a work so profoundly rich in meaning and artistry that it renders all previous attempts at storytelling mere footnotes in its shadow. This book is not a tale; it is an odyssey of the soul. Tom’s quest to co Leggi tutto
oooo i liked this one! and it was strangely different. in this secondary series, all the beasts so far have scattered into regular animals when they’re destroyed. the giant squid turned into a bunch of small regular squids, the giant monkey turned into a bunch of small regular monkeys. but this one, Leggi tutto
Quite good This book is for about 7-9 year old children. I like how they have you some of the start of the next book at the end because you can use it to know if you like it or not and if you do you can just go and buy it. Although stopping at the point it did I think isn't good. So you see why I have Leggi tutto
This was my least favourite of all the books so far, I did enjoy Tom going back to see his auntie and uncle but I was not a fan of the final battle and the way the story panned out, although you need to read this to keep understanding the story it was not a highlight for me!
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