Tenero & violento
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Nei sobborghi di una megalopoli globale, il nostro eroe si sveglia in una camera d’albergo accanto a una donna che non è sua moglie Candy, ma la loro comune amica Romy, bionda, alta, e fino ad allora solo desiderata. L’imbarazzo si trasforma in angoscia quando un’analisi più attenta rivela che la ragazza è immersa in una pozza di sangue. Ad accoglierlo a casa pronti ad ascoltare le sue confessioni ci saranno, oltre alla mogliettina perfetta e all’adorato cane, i genitori, costretti a mantenere il loro «delfino» ultratrentenne che ha deciso di lasciare il lavoro (anzi, il posto fisso) per dedicarsi a una non meglio precisata vocazione artistica. Difficile dire che cosa lo porti ad avvitarsi in caduta libera tra ossessioni e paranoie, droga ed elucubrazioni autoreferenziali, e certo non aiuta il ritorno del suo vecchio amico Hiro, tossico e nevrotico. Ma come spesso accade, il Fato sa mostrarsi benevolo e le catastrofi sembrano dissolversi nel nulla… Adam Thirlwell ha raccontato, tra menzogna e innocenza, tra violenza e tenerezza, le avventure di un candido libertino, che ritiene sia lecito vivere tutte le vite possibili.
- ISBN: 8823511291
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 350
- Data di uscita: 27-08-2015
There’s that friend of yours, the logorrhoeic loudmouth always on cue with the perfect witticism at the right time, equipped with an anecdote for all occasions (that you suspect he practices in the mirror at home), forever present at all social moments to release another stream of verbal sophisticat Leggi tutto
"I had this vision of a book in which I would record my total experience, and I knew how it should sound: with all the tones that no one ever admires, the Gruesome, Tender, Needy, Sleazy, Boring, the Lurid and the Cute. In such tones I would tell me kawaii tale" My 3rd book from the Goldsmiths short Leggi tutto
If I’d been smart I would have given up on Adam Thirlwell’s Lurid & Cute about ten pages into the novel. But for some reason I kept thinking that the paranoid and obsessive thoughts of Thirlwell’s protagonist would reach a crescendo, that there would be a moment where the penny would drop and I’d un Leggi tutto
dreary doesn't cut it. it's devoid of life. it's smug. it is so completely self-absorbed it probably orbits around itself.
Video review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79Tne...
It seems only fair that I begin this review by telling you why this review should not be trusted. First of all, and most importantly, I did not read all of this book. I didn't even read most of this book. Overcome by hatred and disdain, I found the book increasingly interminable. The first few times Leggi tutto
I think I read one of Adam Thirlwell's other novels about ten years ago, and I have to admit that I can't now remember anything about it, although I have the ghost of a memory that I'd been quite impressed by it. This, and perhaps its sweet-shop cover made me pick up Lurid and Cute in the library. L Leggi tutto
I enjoyed this book strangely almost, thought of giving it a 4, although the guy was a self absorbed nincompoop of thought and motivation, I did enjoy the prose a lot and the fact that he was so conscious of his own moral lethargy and argued over it endlessly as with most else that he did. I like th Leggi tutto
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