Due donne nello scompartimento di un treno che, da Londra, sta andando in Cornovaglia. Jinni è ricca e piena di risentimento nei confronti del marito. Il marito di Hannah invece l’ha appena lasciata e lei è in grosse difficoltà economiche. Parlando, le due donne si aprono, si confidano, si rivelano. E decidono di uccidere ciascuna il compagno dell’altra. Dopotutto sono due estranee su un treno: chi, cosa potrà mai metterle in relazione? Però, quando Hannah incontra il marito di Jinni, capisce subito che quest’ultima non le ha raccontato tutta la verità su sé stessa e sulla persona da assassinare. Chi mente? Chi è la vera vittima? Un romanzo serrato e sconvolgente, che interpreta al femminile il noir di Patricia Highsmith Sconosciuti in treno e il film di Alfred Hitchcock Delitto per delitto.
- ISBN: 8833211010
- Casa Editrice: astoria
- Pagine: 400
- Data di uscita: 14-01-2021
She had intended to bury herself in Persuasion but instead found herself in quite a different story, a vulgar and brutal thriller of the kind she avoided when she had any time to read at all.She had expected her life to belong to one kind of genre, but instead it had twisted into another, somethi
In brief - I have to say that I think this seems to have a range of genres in it - however ultimately I enjoyed reading it and I do like Hannah as a character. In full Hannah is on the train to Cornwall to see her mother who is dying. She meets Jinni on the train and their conversations about their l Leggi tutto
Gosh, this was bad. The plot is preposterous and the main character comes off as a FoxNews created caricature of liberalism.
Where to begin ? A ridiculous story line isn’t a deal breaker , just suspend belief and with a bit of imagination it can take you along but that didn’t seem to work for this book. Well it started alright but midway the plot seemed to fizzle out only to make way for a rant , that went on and on , abo Leggi tutto
Dull, condescending and utterly charm free. Quite how this book has garnered such positive reviews is beyond me. The prose is laboured and full of cliches. The stereotypes of working-class lives, especially Cornish ones, are wince inducing. As for the posh, villainous characters, they feel like they Leggi tutto
The Golden Rule is a majestic reworking of one of the most memorable classic crime thrillers of all time - Alfred Hitchcock’s ”Strangers on a Train” and manages to pay homage to the original masterpiece whilst showcasing Amanda Craig’s talents for spinning a devastatingly good yarn. I would say that Leggi tutto
I had a lot of fun discussing this book with a friend. One of our main points of contention was whether the author knowingly makes her main character parrot tired clichés about Cornwall and London, the poor and the rich, women and men, as a means to depict the way people become blinkered when they a Leggi tutto
This book would have benefitted from more showing and a lot less telling. The author was constantly pushing her characters out of the way to march on and give us yet another lecture about Brexit, the decline of rural communities, the London property market etc etc. All important subjects worthy of ex Leggi tutto