La Signora del Lago
Tradotto da: Raffaella Belletti
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L'inverno si avvicina. Stremati, Geralt e i suoi compagni sono costretti a fermarsi a Toussaint, un piccolissimo regno d'incredibile bellezza, risparmiato dalla guerra grazie alla sua posizione isolata. Lì, lo strigo spera di trovare un posto sicuro per recuperare le forze, e soprattutto informazioni che possano aiutarlo nella ricerca di Ciri. Geralt non sa se le voci secondo cui la ragazza sarebbe stata catturata dall'esercito imperiale siano vere. Una cosa è certa: ha bisogno di lui. Tuttavia Ciri non è l'unica a essere in grave pericolo: le spie di Nilfgaard sono ovunque, e persino in un luogo idilliaco come Toussaint c'è qualcuno che trama nell'ombra perché Geralt non ne esca vivo…
L’hanno ribattezzata la Signora del Lago. Per sfuggire alle truppe di Nilfgaard, Ciri ha varcato il portale magico nascosto nella Torre della Rondine e, da quel giorno, gli elfi si sono presi cura di lei, guarendo le sue ferite e trattandola come una vera principessa. Ciri quindi ha abbassato la guardia e non si è subito resa conto di non essere affatto una loro gradita ospite, bensì una prigioniera. Ma, adesso che ha scoperto il gioco degli elfi, deve assolutamente riuscire ad evadere. Perché lei è la Fiamma di cui parlano le profezie. Ed è giunto il tempo che il suo destino si compia…
- ISBN: 8842932787
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 624
- Data di uscita: 28-05-2020
This review can be found on Amaranthine Reads . We come to the end of the Witcher series, and I say thank Belzebub for that. It is difficult to say why I kept reading to the very (very) bitter end, since the series was getting increasingly worse by every page. I suppose the time I had invested and a s Leggi tutto
2.5 stars. I am so disappointed and angry with how Sapkowski concluded the saga. Throughout the whole series, I’ve grown so attached to so many characters and I hate to see them stranded away because they couldn’t fit the author’s weak excuse for a plot. What I hate the most is what happened to Ciri Leggi tutto
2.5 Nie czaję o co chodzi w tym zakończeniu 🥲
Greetings. Before I, in the spirit of Festivus, get to my grievances, I am going to first say that I really wanted to like the Witcher books. I absolutely loved the games and, so, I wanted to love the books, as well. And I did enjoy the first two books – the compilations of short stories. But then I Leggi tutto
Lady of the Lake is an unfortunately poor conclusion to one of the finest fantasy series ever written. Sapkowski attempts to mix in too many new things, his transitions between times and places are very poorly executed and quite overused, and everything about the ending itself is either too much of
I honestly tried to find the truly negative aspects about this book. I honestly did. But when it came to the dreamlike aspects, the tie-ins and total subversion of the tiny bits of the Arthurian Legend, or when it came to finding this to be a weak Witcher novel...? Eh. No. It was very strong. Strong Leggi tutto
This is the final tale in the dark fantasy series The Witcher, and all though it had a decent start the ending will, no doubt, disappoint many readers. The idea that the truths of ancient history and mythology can be unearthed by exploring them in the dreams of a talented sleeper is rather enchantin Leggi tutto
DNF'd at 55%. A shame that I couldn't get through the final book in the series but the majority of this book was a chore to read. Too much time hopping, world swapping, new and boring characters and not enough time spent with the people I actually cared about. I'm sure I'll come back to this sometime Leggi tutto
Interesting but slightly disappointing, after six books I expected more. The annoying thing is that it was something small that ruined this book, and that thing is drum rolls the story telling/ writing style. If the author had used the style he used in the previous book this would have been way bett Leggi tutto
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