Memorie di una geisha
Tradotto da: Donatella Cerutti Pini
Tutti i formati dell'opera
Un clamoroso caso letterario internazionale
La commossa rievocazione di un mondo scomparso
Uno straordinario ritratto femminile dalla voce indimenticabile
Circondate da un'aura di mistero, le geishe hanno sempre esercitato sugli occidentali un'attrazione quasi irresistibile. Ma chi sono in realtà queste donne? A tutte le domande che queste figure leggendarie suscitano, Arthur Golden ha risposto con un romanzo, profondamente documentato, che conserva l'immediatezza e l'emozione di una storia vera. Che cosa significa essere una geisha lo apprendiamo così dalla voce di Sayuri che ci racconta la sua storia: l'infanzia, il rapimento, l'addestramento, la disciplina - tutte le vicende che, sullo sfondo del Giappone del '900, l'hanno condotta a diventare la geisha più famosa e ricercata.
- ISBN: 8850259379
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 576
- Data di uscita: 14-01-2021
Memoirs of a Geisha is an American novel, and as such the attempt at West does East, especially on the complex and delicate subject of the geisha, is compelling, interesting, but also heavy-handed and ultimately ineffective (even more so in the case of the film). It is a wonderful introduction to ge Leggi tutto
Like eating fancy dessert at a gourmet restaurant, Memoirs of a Geisha is beautiful, melts lightly off the tongue and will be forgotten shortly after it's done. The language is strikingly lovely, and Golden paints a remarkable picture of a time and place. If you're looking to learn something deep ab Leggi tutto
”Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper. “ Geisha Mineko Iwasaki basis for Chiyo/Sayori. Chiyo, with her sister Satsu, and her mother and father live in a shack by the sea on the coast of Japan. The shack Leggi tutto
Arthur Golden’s Memoirs of a Geisha is set in Japan from The Great Depression through just after World War II. A young girl named Chiyo moves from her small town in Yoroido to the big city to become a geisha. However, Chiyo misses her family, and an older geisha is determined to destroy her. One day Leggi tutto
Damn if you aren't one of the most problematic things I've ever read, Memoirs of a Geisha. Like much of non-Asian America, I was swept up in the delight of reading this book in 2000. I was fifteen and precocious, and the narrative was arresting. I couldn't put the book down. I wrote this in 2000: "Gol Leggi tutto
A timeless genre picture of a strong woman making the best out of terrible circumstances. Not just the personal story of the main protagonist is very well written, it´s how Japans´culture and history are shown in a new perspective one wouldn´t have ever thought of because of the stigmas and prejudic Leggi tutto
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