I fantasmi del capitale
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Una veemente denuncia degli abusi e degli orrori perpetrati dalla ristretta élite politica ed economica che governa l’India capitalista e che detiene il monopolio della ricchezza. Un pamphlet di denuncia dal tono polemico e brillante, pungente, ironico, talvolta sarcastico, arricchito da casi di cronaca e da aneddoti esemplificativi. Non si può restare indifferenti quando Roy parla di una vera guerra in atto per il possesso della terra nella giungla dell’India centrale sotto assedio, con 350.000 persone obbligate ad abbandonare i loro villaggi e migliaia di suicidi, o di decine di migliaia di torturati e 70.000 morti in Kashmir. Un libro interessante per chi ama sentire voci alternative, una denuncia polemica del lato oscuro della democrazia più grande del mondo, supportata da un pensiero brillante e originale, limpido e critico.
- ISBN: 8823511240
- Casa Editrice: Guanda
- Pagine: 180
- Data di uscita: 07-05-2015
Stories find artists, but it takes a radical artist to listen to the ghosts of the dispossessed... The Good : --I read this early on in my explorations of real-world economics, and since then I’ve followed up on several loose-ends. However, Roy’s message was clear from the beginning; real-world economi Leggi tutto
Buy this book for the person in your life who thinks ethical capitalism exists and is a fan of the Gates Foundation
capitalism is actual trash.
Arundhati Roy is always great but somehow expected more from this. Perhaps it is meant for an audience who doesn't know about the problems with capitalism or in Kashmir.
অরুন্ধতী রায় শোনাচ্ছেন ধারালো নখ,দন্তযুক্ত এক বিভীষিকার কাহিনি। আদতে এই অভিশাপ মঙ্গলের নাম, কল্যাণের কথা বলে বেড়ায়। শান্তির বার্তাবাহকের রূপ নিতেও তার জুড়ি মেলা ভার। অরুন্ধতী রায়ের এই তমসাচ্ছন্ন বিভীষিকা হলো পুঁজিবাদ। এনজিওর নামে, ব্যবসায়ের ছলে, বিভিন্ন ফাউন্ডেশনের ছদ্মবেশে বিশ্বব্যাপী আগ্রাসন Leggi tutto
Arundhati Roy is a fine essayist, and in this collection of work exploring the underbelly of India’s entry to global power status, its ‘gush up’ economic model and its brutal war in Kashmir she conjures up images and evokes the crimes of the new world order in the ‘world’s largest democracy’ to grea Leggi tutto
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