Le fiabe di Beda il bardo
Tradotto da: Luigi Spagnol
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Le Fiabe di Beda il Bardo sono una raccolta di storie scritte per giovani maghi e streghe. Sono state popolari favole serali per secoli, perciò Il Pentolone Salterino e la Fonte della Buona Sorte sono altrettanto familiari a molti studenti di Hogwarts quanto Cenerentola e la Bella Addormentata nel Bosco lo sono ai bambini Babbani (non magici)... Siamo oggi lieti di pubblicare in questa sede i commenti del Professor Silente, insieme a una nuova traduzione del testo di Beda a cura di Hermione Granger. Confidiamo che le intuizioni del Professor Silente, che includono osservazioni sulla storia della magia, ricordi personali e informazioni illuminanti sugli elementi chiave di ogni fiaba, faranno apprezzare a una nuova generazione di maghi e di Babbani Le Fiabe di Beda il Bardo.
- ISBN: 8893811189
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 128
- Data di uscita: 13-07-2017
I am one among the lucky generation who were able to queue up in front of the bookshops on the releasing day of the new Harry Potter book to purchase it and finish reading it on the first day itself. If you ask me which are the most valuable books I have, the answer will definitely have the fir
English ( The Tales of Beedle the Bard ) / Italiano «There was once a kindly old wizard who used his magic generously and wisely for the benefit of his neighbours» Directly from the Hogwarts Library, with commentaries by Albus Silente, here we have a collection of stories for young witch or wizard, the Leggi tutto
As a muggle, I was raised on the classics: Grimm, Andersen and Aesop. Little did I know I was missing out. Why settle for mundane fables and fairy tales when you can have tales of three brothers giving Death the slip, a fountain of dreams, a heart in dire need of a sharp razor, a cackling tree stump Leggi tutto
عندما يتحول عمل أدبي إلي عالم حقيقيلايهدف فقط لأمتاعك، وإنما أيضا يحاول خلق عالما أفضل...يغير من شخصيتك وافكارك للأحسن والأجملوهذا الكتاب سيشعرك فعلا بهذا العالم العجيب الذي ابتدعته جي كي رولينجالكتاب مترجم عربيا للقراءة هنا حكايات بيدل الشاعر هي مجموعة قصص كتبت للسحرة والساحرات الصغار , شهيرة كشهر Leggi tutto
2020 - I listened to the new audiobook that's narrated by a lot of the actors from the movies and it was INCREDIBLE. There were even sound effects and everything and it was a lovely listening experience. I still love these stories so much and my only complaint is that I wish there were more of them! Leggi tutto
Written and published to support Lumos, J.K. Rowling 's charity that works to transform the lives of disadvantaged children - this book is much more than an afterthought, but a lovely little bit of expansion of the Harry Potter universe. Five classic 'magical' tales, that akin to fairy tales have a da Leggi tutto
Aw the feels...
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