Harry Potter e la Camera dei Segreti - ed. papercut MinaLima
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Harry Potter non vede l’ora di tornare a Hogwarts, dopo un’estate senza amici e senza magia. Ma il suo secondo anno di scuola si rivela fin dall’inizio pieno zeppo di seccature: un nuovo professore che si dà mille arie, Gilderoy Lockhart, un fantasma di nome Mirtilla Malcontenta che infesta il bagno delle ragazze e Ginny, la sorella minore di Ron Weasley, con le sue attenzioni non richieste.
Ma questo non è niente rispetto a quello che sta per succedere. Qualcuno – o qualcosa – sta trasformando gli studenti di Hogwarts in pietra. Che sia opera di Draco Malfoy, una spina nel fianco sempre più fastidiosa? Che possa essere Hagrid, il cui passato misterioso viene finalmente svelato? O non sarà per caso proprio colui che tutti quanti, a Hogwarts, sospettano di più… Harry Potter in persona?
Con splendide illustrazioni a colori e ingegnosi elementi interattivi progettati dal pluripremiato studio MinaLima, questa straordinaria edizione del secondo libro della saga di Harry Potter stupirà e incanterà i lettori di tutte le età.
- ISBN: 883100915X
- Casa Editrice: Salani
- Pagine: 400
- Data di uscita: 27-01-2022
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” CHILLS. (REREAD) Okay DUH 5/5 stars. I actually liked this book more than I remembered! This used to be my least favorite of the Harry Potter books and, while that still might be true, I was more entertained than I e Leggi tutto
JK Rowling really knows how to write a great book, thats for sure! Although this wasn't my favorite book in the series, it definitely wasn't because it was bad. I loved the plot and conflict, even though it wasn't as intense as the others were. I was definitely shocked at the end...so epic and mind
Continuing my reread with the illustrated editions! Gotta get through this one so that my daughter can start it next. <3 ********************* "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." What can I say that hasn't been said before about this series? What words Leggi tutto
The Harry Potter Saga continues when The Chamber of Secrets is opened at Hogwarts, landing some of Harry’s classmates in danger. Will Harry Potter be able to save the day? The reading of the Harry Potter series has been quite interesting because I really liked the first movie but didn’t really care f Leggi tutto
This was a cute middle grade book. Even though it was slow, I liked it a little more than the first book since at this point the world has already been established and now we get to see more of the characters and the setting. Ron and his family, especially the twins, are endearing. I also thought it Leggi tutto
2022: 5/5 2021: To była kiedyś moja ukochana część… w sumie wciąż ją uwielbiam!
"My late lamented lords, ladies, and gentlemen," "The best of us must sometimes eat our words," Every time you loved the first book of a series, and then start reading the second - eagerly waiting for the story to continue - there's always the apprehension, that things might not be as great as the fir Leggi tutto
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