La città di ghiaccio
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«Non siamo i primi a entrare in questa grotta. Ma chi ci ha preceduto non ne è mai uscito...»
Di ritorno da uno scavo, l'archeologa Ashley Carter rimane sconcertata nel trovare dei militari ad attenderla in casa. In una grotta nei pressi di una base militare in Antartide, è stato rinvenuto per caso un antico idolo scolpito nel diamante e, sebbene dalle prime analisi risulti che quell'oggetto risalga all'epoca preistorica, non è stato possibile collegarlo a nessuna civiltà conosciuta. E adesso l’esercito sta organizzando una spedizione archeologica che s'inoltri tra i ghiacci in cerca di risposte... e di altri tesori simili. E vuole che sia Ashley a guidarla. Per lei, è un'occasione da cogliere al volo. Tuttavia, già all’ingresso di quel labirinto di tunnel di ghiaccio, Ashley e la sua squadra avvertono una presenza inquietante aleggiare su di loro. Come se qualcuno – o qualcosa – li stesse seguendo e controllando. E, quando scoprono una grotta piena di diamanti enormi, al cui interno sono incastonati dei teschi umani, per loro è l’inizio di un incubo. Perché sono diventate prede di un nemico spietato e sfuggente, pronto a tutto pur d’impedire al gruppo di portare alla luce il suo segreto...
- ISBN: 8842927201
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 416
- Data di uscita: 27-08-2015
Subterranean is an uninspired collection of clichés featuring dull, unlikable characters doing foolish things. Rollins is apparently incapable of writing women, mistaking shrill bitchiness for empowered and simpering helplessness for feminine. Ashley, his main character and "empowered" woman, is dr Leggi tutto
Subterranean is a thriller novel written by James Rollins. After reading his Sigma Force series (finished the 2022 release during the summer), I wanted to explore more. I recall many of his books being on airport bookstore shelves, and I grabbed a few before flights. Always enjoyed them, and this on Leggi tutto
More like Fraggle Rock than a serious adventure book I’m a big fan of Rollins, when the guy is good he is very good and the entertainment is grand, sadly for me this was not the case but reading the 1-3 star reviews was comforting ( and hilarious) enough to know that I’m not crazy and that this book Leggi tutto
I love James Rollins books, however, Subterranean is not one of my favorites. It's not bad, I love the whole world below the surface with strange creatures, and of course, the fact that this team that is sent to explore is not the first team sent down, not that they know that. Alas, there is a kid in Leggi tutto
I grew up hating novels. Sad but true. As a child, the books I was introduced to (by school) were horribly boring and not relevant to my life at all. I grew up believing that all novels were boring, and by high school, I cringed at the sight of novels. I read comic books throughout high school and c Leggi tutto
In the late 18th century, the famous British scientist Edmond Halley (yes, the same one that discovered the comet named after him) theorized that the Earth had a hollow core, capable of supporting life thanks to an inner sun. While the theory was later disproven by other scientists, the so-called “h Leggi tutto
so much hate 🥰 good premise, EXTREMELY poor execution i wanted to read something about under the ocean under the sea give me something that will scare me to go back in the ocean! sadly, i was met with disappointment 😔 everything was from a male perspective, also i must say that it is quite sexist…. bad Leggi tutto
How to write a best selling thriller: Start by introducing each of your characters and summarize their life history in a single paragraph. Each person should have a stellar resume, while being young and attractive, yet totally down-to-earth. For example, a sexy 26 year-old world-renowned bioengineer Leggi tutto
I made the mistake of asking my dad for a book recommendation and he recommended this. He has pretty terrible taste in books a lot of the time. Subterranean is a suspenseful book in some sense. But every event that happened was obviously setting up the next event. Every character was a stereotype. T Leggi tutto
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