La città sepolta
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Penisola Arabica, 300 d.C. Ubar era la città più ricca e ammirata dell'antichità, ma un giorno scomparve agli occhi degli uomini, sepolta sotto una tempesta di sabbia.
Londra, oggi. Un'esplosione distrugge la Galleria Kensington, l'ala del British Museum riservata ai manufatti arabi. È stato un attentato? O uno strano fenomeno naturale, come sembra dalla registrazione delle telecamere di sorveglianza?
Arabia, oggi. L'agente della Sigma Painter Crowe, che partecipa alle indagini, deve scoprire quale segreto nasconde la città perduta di Ubar: ma il deserto non è l'unica minaccia che dovrà fronteggiare…
- ISBN: 8850250878
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 532
- Data di uscita: 21-06-2018
Sandstorm started out in London with a literal bang and ended with a storm of supposedly epic proportions in an ancient desert city. But by the time it did, I didn't care anymore. All I saw was a swirly world of sand, glass, and static electricity populated by cardboard characters. The good ones wou Leggi tutto
Sandstorm is the first Sigma Force novel written by James Rollins. I've seen his name around many times in the past, and years ago, I devoured a bunch of these types of novels... for some reason, I hadn't picked up his. Now that I'm back in the mood for archaeological thrillers with elements of natu Leggi tutto
This is the first of James Rollins's "Sigma Force" novels. This is different than most of the books that are in my book list, quite different in some cases. It's basically an action movie in book form, but it's a good one, like Indiana Jones style. And Rollins seems to know that it's that kind of ad Leggi tutto
Simply put, I love this guy's work. Less "bromantic" than Clive Cussler and more accessible than Micheal Crichton, both of whom I do enjoy, his tales are just fun, adventurous, and often educational. I wanted to read the Sigma Force books in order, so it took me a while until I could track down the
Here's the thing about James Rollins - his books are utterly predictable and he is just unable to create any type of suspense or intrigue. I've read multiple Rollins books and they are all pretty much the same. They are the epitome of the books that you see on endcaps at your local pharmacy or groce Leggi tutto
The different settings were great, but this felt overall too long and the characters were kinda flat.
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