La chiave dell'apocalisse
Tradotto da: Gian Paolo Gasperi
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Tre omicidi in poche ore, tre vittime connesse da un solo particolare: sui cadaveri è stata impressa a fuoco una croce celtica. E lo scenario che si presenta agli agenti della Sigma – una sezione occulta del dipartimento della Difesa statunitense – si complica ulteriormente quando le indagini del comandante Grayson Pierce rivelano il coinvolgimento di una multinazionale impegnata nella produzione di alimenti geneticamente modificati. Come mai una ricerca che potrebbe alleviare le sofferenze delle popolazioni africane sembra essere legata a un oscuro flagello che ha colpito l’Inghilterra nell’XI secolo e alle visioni di un santo che ha profetizzato la fine del mondo?
- ISBN: 8850255586
- Casa Editrice: TEA
- Pagine: 468
- Data di uscita: 07-11-2019
I began read the Sigma Force series written by James Rollins earlier this year. I intended to read one per month to catch up but I fell behind... Finally, I pushed myself to jump back in and read the sixth installment, The Doomsday Key, this week. What a wild ride! If you like action adventure novel Leggi tutto
Posted to The Literary Lawyer.ca One of Rollins Best - 5 Stars I enjoyed this book too much to give it any less than 5 stars. It had all of the history and science elements to push my buttons. Irish history and lore, Druids, pagan and Christian history. Polar bears and the dangers of genetical
This is James Rollins at the top of his game. His thrillers are among the best there are. As far as I'm concerned, he's writing them better than Michael Crichton did, and Clive Cussler and Dan Brown are doing. What I particularly appreciate is Rollins' "Note to Readers" at the end of the book about
আ সিরিজ উইদিন আ সিরিজ! রলিন্সের সিগমা ফোর্সের পক্ষ দুইটা। ন্যায়ের পক্ষে সিগমা, অন্যায়ের পক্ষে দ্য গিল্ড। দুই সংঘটন এর টক্কর-কাহিনির অন্য নাম সিগমা ফোর্স সিরিজ (অন্তত এই বইয়ের আগ পর্যন্ত)। খাপে খাপ মেলানো কঠিন একটা কাজ। খাপে খাপ মিলিয়ে কোন জিনিস বানিয়ে, সেটাকে তুলে নিয়ে অন্য কিছু একটার সাথে খাপ Leggi tutto
অনেকদিনের ব্রেক নিয়ে রলিন্সের সিগমা ফোর্সের এই বইটি পড়লাম। বেশ ভাল লাগল, লেখকের অন্য বইগুলোর মতো দ্রুতগতির একটা বই। যদিও বইটিতে বানান অনেক প্যারা দিয়েছে। প্ল্যান এর জায়গায় অনেকবার প্যান , গ্রে এর জায়গায় অল্প কয়েকবার গে এগুলো চোখে পড়ার মতো। কিন্তু অনুবাদ অনেক ভাল ছিল। আশা করি সিরিজের অন্যান্ Leggi tutto
Once again the Sigma Force goes up against the sinister organization known as The Guild. The book opens with the destruction of an experimental farm in Africa and a massacre of all the staff and refugees in the farm. A member of the staff was the son of a US senator and the Sigma Force was given the Leggi tutto
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