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Da dove si ricomincia, quando si ha perso tutto? Sarah non ha ancora una risposta. A trentotto anni, dopo un divorzio difficile, è tornata a casa dei genitori, convinta di non avere più un futuro. Per distrarsi dai suoi problemi, decide di scrivere un libro su Ambergate, l'ospedale psichiatrico in cui aveva lavorato il padre, ormai chiuso da anni e che verrà presto demolito. Girovagando tra i corridoi di quell'enorme edificio in rovina, Sarah s’imbatte in una vecchia, polverosa valigia, abbandonata lì chissà quando da una paziente. Dentro c'è un biglietto su cui sono scritte poche righe che, sorprendentemente, la riguardano molto da vicino…
Rintracciare quella paziente diventa allora una missione. Spinta da una forza che credeva di aver perduto, Sarah insegue i labili indizi lasciati da quella donna, ricostruendo la storia di un dolore così grande da essere scambiato per follia, di un amore capace di rischiarare anche le tenebre più buie, di un segreto rimasto sepolto troppo a lungo. Un segreto che potrebbe cambiare anche la vita di Sarah.
- ISBN: 8842932019
- Casa Editrice: Nord
- Pagine: 368
- Data di uscita: 14-02-2019
Having read Kathryn Hughes before and absolutely adoring 'The Letter' I was very much excited to get her latest book "The Key" knowing that it would be a beautifully written and heart warming story. Inspired by the true story of The Willard Asylum in Willard, New York, Kathryn has created a beautifu Leggi tutto
4.5 ⭐️ Every once in a while I like to pick up a book thats outside my comfort zone, a book that takes me away from serial killers, murders and mayhem, and when I read the book description for The Key I knew it was one I had to read. I’ve always been intrigued by asylums, I put that down to spending Leggi tutto
Šios autorės vardą bei knygas jau kuris laikas esu pastebėjusi ir atkreipusi dėmesį. Visų pirma, akį patraukia štai tokio grožio kaip šis viršelis 😍 Nors nesirenku knygos tik pagal jį, bet pripažinkite, jog ir Jūs į tai atkreipiate dėmesį 😉 O ir knygos istorija pasirodė be galo įdomi.. 1956 - ieji me Leggi tutto
Tai pirmoji mano pažintis su Kathryn Hughes. Žinau, jog tai ne pirmoji jos knyga, bet būtent ši mane suviliojo istorija apie 19a pradžios pamišėlių prieglaudą. Ši tema mane kažkuo traukia, bet logiškai paaiškinti kodėl, negaliu. 😅 Istorija mus nukelia į 1956-uosius kuomet lemta susitikti dviems jauno Leggi tutto
While exploring derelict Ambergate asylum as research for a book, writer Sarah discovers a dusty suitcase - and inside it, the key to a heartbreaking decades old tragedy... I'm afraid Kathryn Hughes' latest dual-time offering didn't really work for me - a shame, given that I've found her previous nov Leggi tutto
A good story which kept my attention all the way through. On the other hand, none of the characters really drew me in, nor did they linger on my mind.
Having thoroughly enjoyed the authors previous two releases I could wait to get my hands on her newest read - and as ever, the story was captivating from page one. The book is told via two different time lines and features more than one protagonist, but the structure and careful editing of the book
Having read and loved Kathryn previous two books The Secret and The Secret, I literally couldn't wait to read this her latest book. Given the subject matter and how the story revolves around it so much, it tells you just how much research the author must have done, all of which definitely paid off. T Leggi tutto
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