Il mio omicidio
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Lou è una giovane donna felicemente sposata, madre della piccola Nova. Ma Lou è anche un clone della precedente Lou, uccisa pochi mesi prima da un serial killer, arrestato per l’omicidio di altre quattro donne, e riportata in vita, insieme alle altre vittime, da un programma governativo di clonazione. Le cinque donne si conoscono, si incontrano, si sostengono. Finché Lou deciderà di andare a fondo alla sua storia e provare a capire quali motivazioni hanno spinto il suo assassino a scegliere proprio lei, trovandosi di fronte a una verità insospettata.
Nel riadattarsi alla vecchia routine, Lou si rende conto che ad alcune domande inquietanti su ciò che ha preceduto la sua morte non è facile dare risposta, e che non sempre può fidarsi di coloro che le stanno intorno.
Con un passo serrato, il ritmo e la scorrevolezza di un page turner, Il mio omicidio è un’indagine sulle ragioni che spingono a gesti non facilmente comprensibili, ma anche una riflessione sulla maternità, sulla depressione post partum, sui dubbi e disagi dati da aspettative e convenzioni, sulla libertà o meno delle scelte delle donne. Una straordinaria variante del thriller classico che non si riesce a smettere di leggere finché non si è divorata anche l’ultima pagina.
- ISBN: 8833942333
- Casa Editrice: Bollati Boringhieri
- Pagine: 240
- Data di uscita: 13-06-2023
I can't count the number of times I go into a book with high expectations, drawn in by a heck of a premise, only to end up sorely disappointed. So imagine my surprise and delight when I encounter a book that's so much more than I thought it would be. Lou is part of a serial killer survivors group. Bu Leggi tutto
I was completely invested in this one until the reveal at the end.... Can't say much without spoilers....but it was one of the worst endings I've come across. FYI: Goodreads lists this as a mystery/thriller, but it is not. I like to check edelweiss for the proper genre, which lists this as women's fic Leggi tutto
4.5 ⭐️ STALKED. MURDERED. CLONED. The Serial Killer’s Survivor group met on Tuesday Afternoons, moderated by Gert, who was from the Replication Committee, which had given each woman her life back, through a Government cloning project. The name was a lie though, wasn’t it? None of the five in the grou Leggi tutto
Lou is married to Silas and they have an adorable baby daughter called Nova. Life is good until she becomes the fifth victim of a local serial killer. However, she is returned to her bereft family as part of the Replication Commission, a scheme to bring people back. She’s a clone of the original as Leggi tutto
A futuristic sci-fi murder mystery with a killer twist! Louise, Lacy, Fern, Jasmine, and Angela are all members of the Luminols, a group of clones whose past selves were murdered by serial killer, Edward Early. The plot centers around Louise, the final murder victim before Early was caught and jailed Leggi tutto
Interesting premise and world building, but unfortunately I think this is a case of the synopsis not setting the right expectations for what this story is. This story is less about a woman solving her own murder than it is about what it means to be brought back to life as a clone of yourself and all Leggi tutto
We don't get a lot of speculative crime novels and this one does the speculative parts really well. By far the best parts of this book are its near-future world. A good near-future feels recognizable with a couple of big changes, and this is mostly right on. The crime novel part works, too, but the
This is an unusual book. In any typical murder mystery we have a few key points that we are addressing: victim, killer, and the individuals who solve the whodunit. As the novel progresses we as readers get to work alongside the detective or the amateur sleuth to identify the circumstances of the deat Leggi tutto
I’m having the worst luck with books lately. Just consider the innovative premise here: A woman murdered by a serial killer is brought back to life in a future society overflowing with technological advancements. Okay, she isn’t really brought back. It isn’t the once dead Lou sitting in on her seria Leggi tutto
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