La magia del riordino
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Chiaki ha quasi trent’anni, è carina ma molto, molto disordinata. Anche la sua vita è un casino. Passa da un fidanzato all’altro senza trovare l’amore. Quando l’attraente vicino irrompe nella sua vita, Chiaki si vergogna di tutto il disordine che ha in casa e decide di chiedere aiuto a Marie Kondo. Piano piano, cassetto per cassetto, metterà ordine nella sua casa e nella sua vita e quando tutto avrà trovato il suo posto, anche l’amore avrà il suo happy ending.
- ISBN: 8893679485
- Casa Editrice: Magazzini Salani
- Pagine: 190
- Data di uscita: 28-01-2021
The KonMari Method of household organization has been bantered about amongst my friends for the last year, but I had not read the book until now. This graphic novel is a super cute, appealing way of presenting the valuable information to all ages. I read it fast, went back to reread sections and I l Leggi tutto
I read KonMari’s book, The Magic of Tidying and it was excellent! This one added more info and was even more helpful. The visual in the manga art was very useful. Gotta admit, though that I skipped the tidying of books a bit. Clothes? No prob. Movies? Yep. Music? Pshaw! But, books? ✨Joy! ✨Joy! ✨Joy Leggi tutto
Would recommend this to the highly disorganised people. I knew most of these tricks beforehand thanks to my mom, who never let me make the house untidy. But it was a super cute manga and I guess it's easier to read compared to the original book. Imo it's more compelling than Netflix series I think.👍🏻 Leggi tutto
So, I have somewhat mixed feelings about this book. First, the positives: this is a sweet story that provides an accessible example of what the KonMari method is and how to apply it in your life. There isn't really any new information here per se, but presenting the information in a story format hel Leggi tutto
This was so adorable! It was a perfect little summary of Konmari. The Manga is about Chiaki, a Sales rep with a messy home. Marie Kondo helps her to tidy up her home and her life. The illustrations were absolutely fitting for every moment and so so cute! I loved this book so much. Definitely a recom Leggi tutto
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